Repair cracks between my driveway and garage floor

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Mar 3, 2017
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How to repair cracks between my driveway and garage floor?
Which materials to be used?
Please see photo.

sprinkle coloured sand on this when done before it is dried.
Sika products are professional quality. Try to choose a product intended for the size crack that you are trying to fill. Some sealants just can't hold up in a big crack.
I don't know what it is called but the flexible caulking pool guys use between the coping and concrete, it's usually close to 3/4" wide around the entire pool
IMHO you're going to want something flexible between your garage and the driveway. The driveway especially is subject to movement so anything cement like won't bend or handle expansion and contraction well.

I do not plan to paint it.
Is one better than the other or both will do the job equally well?
Has nothing to do with paint. The concrete product is likely to crack, the elastomeric products will move with the expansion and contraction of the concrete or any other movement.