iPhone app Bug

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Fixer Upper
Staff member
Feb 5, 2013
Reaction score
Erie, PA
When I quote in the app then add my text and then hit submit, the app gives me an error message that it couldn’t complete the task. It gives me the option to save try again or cancel. What I have found is that it does actually take the new post and if I save or try again after saving I get a double post. The work around is believe it sent even though it said it didn’t and then discard the draft. When you go back to the forum the post doesn’t show up in the updated timeline. What you have to do is close the timeline and reopen it and there is the post.

I don’t know if others are seeing this or not or how many post and quote from a smart phone. Just thought I would point it out.

On a good note I actually like going down the time line on the phone better than hitting today’s posts and doing it that way. It’s really fast and takes you to the first unread automatically . :clap:
I haven't had any issues and I can't duplicate the issue you said you have.
I recently upgraded my iPhone software to the latest for my phone ISO 7.1.2 and then updated all my apps. and I still have the bug. Last week I bought a 7 inch tablet totally different platform and its app is quite similar and I have the bug there also. Not sure what I’m doing wrong. I will try it again in a bit and see if I still have the problem.
Yep still gives me the message that I have to wait 30 seconds between posts even though it has taken the thread. If I wait 30+ seconds it will still give the message failed please wait 30 seconds.
The 30 seconds between posts is an anti-spamming tool. It can be removed by an admin from the VB admin panel.
I get the same problem from time to time. Not very often or I just don't quote people?