Durable Coating for Metal Window Hardware

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Well-Known Member
Feb 22, 2011
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I have a pair of casement windows with dual locks on each and a crank operator at the bottom. Everything is finished in bronze. I've determined the manufacturer (Truth) doesn't have one for one replacements for the hardware in the color I want, white.

The question is how to select and apply a durable white finish to these metal parts. The windows are located directly behind the kitchen sink, so the windows and parts will receive cleaning pretty frequently compared to other window hardware in the house.

Everything is removable. Any suggestions??
Good idea. I find that I can get the operators replaced in white. I'll see if I can find someone who will handle four small parts.
so they remain in good condition, casement window must be painted regularly. Make sure to paint the exterior and interior separately though, to prevent them from sticking.
I painted the locks with white lacquer from a rattle can. Looks like a factory finish.

The exterior of the window is vinyl clad, so no painting. However, the original install 13 years ago included several non treated nails on the bottom track, which were rusting. Cleaned up all the rust, and sprayed the non visible, but vulnerable-to-rust parts with an automotive primer.

Ditched the old bronze framed screens and made new ones from white coated aluminum stock from Home Depot. Installed new, white operators (crank mechanism) from Truth, Inc.

Trimmed it out with a fluted column effect on the sides, pediment on top. Window now looks like a million bucks instead of some builders quickee install.