seal bottom of basement?

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Well-Known Member
May 2, 2012
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Hi everyone

Just wondering if it's a good idea to seal the gap at the bottom of the basement where the drywall meets the concrete floor. This is facing an outside wall.

If it's a good idea, what material should I use?

Thanks a lot!


This is not necessary because you usually have some baseboard to cover it. If the basement is dry, I would leave it alone. Just install your baseboard. If the basement is wet . . . well you have a bigger problem to solve first!
It looks like I see black mold on the sheetrock, better look at that issue first. If you have mold on the face of the wall, it is usually a bit worse on the backside because it does not dry out.
The "vapor barrier" is just a temporary bandage to prolong the ultimate correction of the moisture behind the dry(wet?)wall.

It looks like I see black mold on the sheetrock, better look at that issue first. If you have mold on the face of the wall, it is usually a bit worse on the backside because it does not dry out.

Thanks for the responses everyone.

I don't think the black smudge is mold... I can wipe it off with my hand...
Most times the dry wall does not sit on the floor and the gap is covered with a wood molding of some sort. We like to see something between framing and concrete to stop moisture from wicking up into the wall, so the drywall should have a space. It looks like something has been sitting in that corner for a long time, long enough for someone to paint around it. I would cut away some of the drywall next to floor, just enough so you can see the bottom of the wall. If you have had water problems that wood will be discoloured, if not your good to go.
Thanks for the responses everyone.

I don't think the black smudge is mold... I can wipe it off with my hand...

That's what mold does...wipes off with the hand.
Look at it closely, it will have very small spots.
Also look in other areas of the basement.
I'm just trying to save you $$ in the long run, not cause a panic you will deal with down the road.:)
Here is a quick test for mold . . . put some common bleach on a q-tip and rub the spot. If it changes color, gets lighter, it is probably mold (organic). If it does not change color, it is probably dirt.

Try it! :)
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