What Happened to my kitchen

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Supporting Member
May 31, 2007
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Proctorville, Ohio
I told you I was up to something this week.... said I had a surprise.... I decided that I needed to do something in the house that made me happier.... and fooeyy on what everyone else wants.... so.. I picked out some cabinets I liked.... and look what I did in just few hours. I am doing the bottoms now... and then the tops in a month or so... I will keep you posted and put up more pics as they come

kitchen resize.jpg
Impressive! :)
Your helper there looks a little less than impressed though lol

While you have the walls exposed, this is the time to get that wire spliced and down the wall to that Garbage disposal and add circuits if you need them. Most kitchens do.. A hole in the wall below countertop level is easy to repair and no need to spend a lot of time trying to match.

Looks like you're going to do a new floor too!
Change your name to "MRS ambitious get otta my way i'm buildin somethin" if you like it or not.:D
Great way to get er done all at once. You know we are all here rourin you on.
Hopefully today I will at least get painting done, rip up the vinyl that is glued down under the carpet up, get the wire spliced and the new vinyl flooring down.... that may be a bit more than I can chew... I tend to do that to myself sometimes...... but I will post some more pictures

I am also gonna change the receptacle near the sink to a GFCI..... I have been wanting to do that and now is the perfect time!!!!
Wow- That cat musta been REALLY angry to do all that damage!!!

;) :D

Good job and keep up the good work!
Way to go Shan!!! Maybe we could hire you to do some work at our house. I seem to have a hard time getting a 'round-to-it.
OK... so... I figure this would happen and forgot to plan for it... but man I am worn out.... so... I am done for the day since I cant do anything else... in the am i am going to go to lowes and buy some luann and strap it to the top of the car ghetto style.... (and yes I am being very serious... I will take pictures) so..... further updates tomorrow hopefully ( i have to go back to work on thursday)
Be sure to get a bag of floor leveler while you're there. It will make the vinyl look much better.
so this is where I am at.... I am right in saying that I need to put lauan down correct? I cant just put adhesive over top of this because it will come apart some day right? I would love for you to tell me I can... but .... I do want to know the truth... if it will last 10 years gluing... I would be very tempted... but still want to know the truth.....
You guys are great... cant wait to get it done and show it off to you

kitchen old vinyl.jpg
Glue vinyl directly on that and it will look terrible within a month.
You need as smooth a surface as possible. Seriously, you'll be able to see every bit of that left over backing right through the new floor. I know you must be tired of scraping but you need to get as much of that up as possible before you even lay the underlayment.
You need to get at the least 1/4 inch thichness material. Do not buy the 1/8 inch, it will bubble.

Instead of scraping, is the floor there underlayment? This may be easier to take up. And you can address the subfloor and any squeaks at that time. Otherwise, good luck. Your doin great.:)
So, as promised... I went to lowes this morning... strapped stuff to the hood of my car ghetto style and brought it home... I got some floor leveler while i was there.... i think that in order to avoid seam overlaps i am gonna put the whole sheets down the center of the room (from laundry to dining) and put shorter pieces on either side... that way... with cabinets in place there will only be one seam in the main part of the floor.... my thinking is less chance for the linoleum to show anything... in case I suck at this leveler stuff...LOL.... I bought a roll of paper and after i get the floor down I am gonna make a template and take the vinyl sheeting outside and cut it.....
heres the pic of the stuff on the car

so... here we are progress wise.... getting there... only 2 more pieces to be cut.... than comes the leveling stuff for the seams...... I was thinking about putting the paper that I am going to use as a template under the vinyl for some added protection.... didnt know if that was a good idea or not... here is the picture

Just do your self levelin, then adhere to the floor.
As for templating with the paper, that is a great idea.
One pointer I can give you is to cut little triangles about 2 inches big as you go. When you cut the little triangles these let you have something to tape the paper to the floor through.
Then it does not move around as you work on it.

Does that make sense:confused: ...if not then confuse me so I can tell you better.. better.:p
Three hammers, one hatchet with a hammer end on it, and one black cat...:rolleyes:
Three hammers, one hatchet with a hammer end on it, and one black cat...:rolleyes:

you never know what I may be up to with the black cats ( I actually have 3 all black ones... lol) another update.... I have cut the linoleum out and laid it for a dry run..... gonna let it set out in the kitchen overnight... and then level tomorrow and remove the paper..... I did make a few little mistakes.... but... all in a days work... at least the labor was free cause i would have been ticked off it werent... hehe... so ... here is the latest.... (I have homework that I need to catch up on so I probably wont update until late tomorrow afternoon... then again.. I hate homework....)

new floor.jpg
Thats a great lookin floor. And no big lumps from where the cat has disapeared.:p
Paint the walls before you put the floor down, it may be easier.
Just an afterthought.:)
Nevermind ...I went back and looked. Your way ahead of me.
Nice looking floor!

Thanks guys.... I put the leveler where it needed to be... I am very impatiently patiently waiting for it to dry so that I can smooth the edges.... (funny how that was the part i didnt want to do and it was the funnest)... so... I did manage to get some homework done also while I have been waiting... and I put down some double stick tape... ( I got the no glue flooring) I put it at entry ways, along walls without cabinets and in crosses on the floor where the fridge, stove and dishwasher are: along with where the vinyl and carpet will meet at the dining room .... so... here we are waiting..... I will get the floor down tonight and at least the stove where it belongs and the fridge where it belongs..... and start on the cabinets... I had to order another one today (I needed a 12 inch and ordered a 24... it should be here tomorrow) gonna do a dry run of the cabinets that go under the window... if there is room to get the w/d out of the laundry room, i may just go ahead and keep the 24in also... i dont know yet..... i'll keep you posted...

ps... I bought the furniture sliders... I think I will keep them attatched... what do you guys think?
so.... here I sit.. not much progress... waiting waiting and more waiting on the flooring to flatten out... I have turned my heat on hoping that would speed the process up... but it isnt.... this is no gluedown and I had hoped that I wouldnt have to... but... if I get up in the am and it still isnt flat (i had to roll it up last night).... I may have to glue it down... I am running out of time off and getting ticked off by the second because of my impatients... but I am sure I will wake up in the am with a renewed perspective........ i just feel like today was a huge waste !!!!!!!!

:( :( :( :(