you may have to combine several things - foam strips, door sweeps - your door may be slightly warped - on one of mine, I had to pare down a foam strip to an angle to make it fit across the floor tightly
I think the Carolla show premieres next week, but I am not sure - I don't really care for his style of humor (he seems to go out of his way to grate) -but I do recall fondly the utterly politically incorrect "Man Show"
From everything I have ever heard from cops, etc..., the sign alone is the best deterrent to burglars. As for fire and carbon monoxide, that is a different matter.
Gun, knives, dogs, and the ADT sign that a neighbor gave me when he moved - the sign can do as much good as anything else - rocket launchers and land mines are probably over the top, tho.
Good point, classy - and while kerosene heaters give reasonable radiant warmth, unless the room is quite small they never really deliver the heat where you want it - a good space heater is the way to go.
What do we all think about prefab housing - has anyone looked at the Roscia Romero steel houses? They are pricey, but at least from the catalogues, they are amazing. Has anyone seen anything comparable?
I broke the copper tubing on a refrigerator and released all the freon - the repairman ended up charing me 300 bucks to fix the tube and replace the refrigerant - did I get ripped off? The fridge itself was older model, but state of the art when new and hadn't seen use for the last several years.
Does anyone watch Debbie Travis's *Painted House* or *Face Lift* - of all of them, I think she is the most genuinely talented. Her "Ice House* show was a classic!
Does anyone have experience with installing the new heavy security doors with oversized locks? I have an extremely vulnerable front door and I don't want a normal security door. I am looking for something very large and heavy, basically battering-ram proof.