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    Whirlpool electric range one element only not heating, wrong red light is on

    My old Whirlpool electric freestanding range, convection cooking ceramic glass cooktop, has 4 heating elements and 2 red lights to indicate whether the heating elements are hot. One of the 4 heating elements is not heating, the other 3 heating elements are heating and the red lights turned on...
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    Water do not come out of the center fixed outlet of water faucet

    My water faucet in the kitchen has two outlets - the center fixed one and the flexible side one (see photo). Water do not come out of the center fixed outlet. Water come out of the flexible side outlet only. How to fix it?
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    Wood deteriorating around the bay window

    The current small exterior wood area around the bay window at the second level of my home is deteriorating (see photos). After repairing it, instead of repainting it, I am thinking of getting some material that will cover the current wood area. If that material is vinyl siding, it will look like...
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    Vinyl siding to cover wood

    The current small exterior wood area around the bay window at the second level of my home is deteriorating (see photos). Instead of repainting and repairing it, I am thinking of getting vinyl siding that looks like wood. The new vinyl siding will cover the current wood area. Its thickness is at...
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    Repair cracks between my driveway and garage floor

    I do not plan to paint it. Is one better than the other or both will do the job equally well?
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    Repair cracks between my driveway and garage floor

    How are these two products compare with Sakrete Fast concrete repair
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    Repair cracks at front entrance

    How to repair cracks at front entrance? The vertical crack is between the masonry front entrance and gray foundation. The horizontal cracks / holes are under the masonry front entrance. Please see photo. The second photo show the masonry front entrance, gray foundation and the interlock...
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    Repair cracks between my driveway and garage floor

    How to repair cracks between my driveway and garage floor? Which materials to be used? Please see photo.
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    Repair Home's Foundation cracks

    How to repair my home's foundation cracks? Which materials to be used? Some cracks are large. Please see photo.
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    Deadbolt handle cannot be turned from inside

    I remove the two screws on the deadbolt handle cover. Please see the second photo in the shared album . Is the gold plate on backwards or not?
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    Deadbolt handle cannot be turned from inside

    If I loosen that screw just a bit, it make the bolt easier to move. Currently I discover the optimum tightness of the screws - not too loose nor too tight and push on the door from inside. I also put some Graphite Lubricant in the keyhole and the door key is easier to turn now. What else can be...
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    Deadbolt handle cannot be turned from inside

    The deadbolt handle is hard to turn even the door is opened. This problem only occurred yesterday suddenly. The left screw was loose. I tightened it but this hard-to-turn problem occurred so I posted this question.
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    Deadbolt handle cannot be turned from inside

    My door deadbolt handle cannot be turned from inside so the door cannot be opened. Please see attached photo. How to fix this problem?