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  1. T

    ground, neutral, and hot wire are all "hot"

    Wow, excellent insights and advice. I will be sure to try this and let you know. Thank you!
  2. T

    ground, neutral, and hot wire are all "hot"

    Thank you for asking. I just need to figure out why this outlet is not getting any power.
  3. T

    ground, neutral, and hot wire are all "hot"

    Thank you. The multimeter doesn't give any reading. I did test it on another outlet, and it does work. Not sure why the non contact indicator would be showing me a reading then.
  4. T

    ground, neutral, and hot wire are all "hot"

    Thank you for your help. I am using a non contact tester and a multimeter. The non contact tester show low voltage, around 1% going through each wire, the multimeter doesn't detect any voltage. So I'm assuming that the voltage is so low that the multimeter isn't able to detect it, but the non...
  5. T

    ground, neutral, and hot wire are all "hot"

    All wires connecting to the outlet have power going through them. Any advice on why this is occurring and what I could do about it?
  6. T

    Shower leak through wall tiles and floor rot

    Sounds like removing all might be the best thing. I could do the gut job, but if I hired someone to do the install, and I'm thinking also to install new sub floor at the worst scenario. Do you know how much someone would charge to do this work. And at worst worst case, what do I do if the wall...
  7. T

    Shower leak through wall tiles and floor rot

    Shower leak through wall tiles I found that a leak was coming through my sub-floor into my basement. After inspecting the shower, I realized that the tiles, the first 4 rows from the bottom felt loose. I then removed these tiles throughout the perimeter of the shower to realize that they...