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  1. H

    icemaker 1/4 compression to dishwasher possible?

    Thanks for the tips. I finally found some compression adapters that do the size down. They are not generally available.
  2. H

    Water runs behind corrugated panels on patio roof

    This was professionally done a long time ago but now that I look into details, it looks done all wrong. I added roof closure strips just now. Is there another drip edge flashing that I should add to avoid the water dripping back in. The panels are a bit warped and not in the best of shape too.
  3. H

    icemaker 1/4 compression to dishwasher possible?

    I did repiping and they put the icemaker T connection on the hot line. I have to now divert a 1/4 compression male to the dish washer (3/8, 1/2). I see 1/4 supply lines for ice makers (can they take hot water?). How do I reduce the dishwasher 3/8 down to the 1/4 male compression? Thanks
  4. H

    How to change this hose bibb?

    Thanks for the clarification. That is very helpful details to know.
  5. H

    Light bulb fixture type?

    It was an integrated unit held by some screws.
  6. H

    Light bulb fixture type?

    a better picture
  7. H

    vacuum breaker hose bibb

    Thanks to Paul's tips, I was able to cut through with confidence. For completeness to help the community. Screenshots step by step cutting through it. The cut out screw was at the bcak and my guess was right trying to hack through it (but not enough space). Now, I have a different problem...
  8. H

    Light bulb fixture type?

    Can anyone help identify this light type? It is a fixture in the kitchen area on top of cabinets. About 30 (maybe 36 end to end) inches long. Its in a hard to access space. I cannot pry the sides open. Looks like fluorescent light to me. Is it an integrated fixture, or can I just change the...
  9. H

    vacuum breaker hose bibb

    Thanks for some ideas. I will give it a try tomorrow. The whole mechanism seems to have never thought about the future replacement situation given that these vacuum breakers fail regularly.
  10. H

    vacuum breaker hose bibb

    Stuck with one of those broken vacuum breaker hose bibb situation. I took out bottom half of the piece but the top is stuck. I can't see a break out screw anywhere. I tried hacksawing (without cutting into the thread) to look for the screw but no obvious indication. There is a small dent on the...
  11. H

    How to salvage this defective hose pipe?

    I ended up with a garden hose where female threads are missing on the compression fitting. Short of using a tap to thread the interior. Are there other simpler ways to introduce a thread for low pressure applications? I'm thinking JB weld a 5/8 copper fitting or similar. Would appreciate a...
  12. H

    How to change this hose bibb?

    Is this a compression fitting or a standard threaded valve? I know these things are seized over decades. Not easy to remove and not my first (yes, I understand the caution) rodeo either. When you say additional skills, are you referring to the grounding addition? What purpose does the clamp...
  13. H

    How to change this hose bibb?

    Thanks for answering. I want to connect a hose and probably leave it open. My main gate valve failed completely and I had to replace it. Just worried about this leaking from the twist joint or something. Paranoia, I have to admit. Also, in FL. Don't these valves go bad when water is flowing...
  14. H

    How to change this hose bibb?

    This is sitting on the side of my exterior wall as a hose outlet. I know gate valves are ancient. Is it possible swap this out easily? I'm not able to understand how this is all tied together made worse by the paint. My water lines are copper.
  15. H

    Locating irrigation valve box

    Thanks, following the lead pipe advice worked. The valve housings were hidden underneath new coverings of garden layers.
  16. H

    Locating irrigation valve box

    I'm trying to locate a buried valve box. Any clues or experience with this setup will be appreciated. the electrical wires are on the left side of the picture. The inflow after coming out of the pressure breaker goes perpendicular to the wall. There are these two lead pipes sitting out...
  17. H

    Old fan; broke glass shade

    The fitter size looks close to 8.5 inches
  18. H

    Old fan; broke glass shade

    Hampton bay model. Cannot find replacement glass shade anywhere. Would appreciate any interesting ideas to salvage a DIY glass shade without having to gut and replace the entire unit.
  19. H

    PVC corrugated panels: How to stand on them?

    My patio roof setup is similar to this one ^ involving pvc panels and wood beams for support underneath. There are pipes running over my roof for a solar installation. I need to get access to them. How can I walk/step on these panels without damaging them?