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some facts about the border that america does know
How many illegal immigrants enter Canada from the US?

Statistics. From January 2017 to March 2018, the Royal Canadian Mounted Police intercepted 25,645 people crossing the border into Canada illegally. Public Safety Canada estimated that another 2,500 came across in April 2018 for a total of just over 28,000, of which 1,000 had been removed from Canada.
What did america do about this . Nothing

2)Most fentanyl enters the US via MexicoLess than 1% was seized across the northern US border with Canada. The remainder was from sea routes or other US checkpoints.
so why is canada getting blamed ?

When I was a Toyota line mechanic back in 1970, they started selling cars here in 1968, they had Chevrolet engines in some of them. But Ford owned part of Toyota.
I think there is still some connection between Ford and Toyota.

I do jobs at Ford's Product Development Center and Toyota vehicles and concepts are quite prevalent. I don't know if this is still the case, but some Ford vehicles were Toyotas and some Toyotas were Fords.
some facts about the border that america does know
How many illegal immigrants enter Canada from the US?

Statistics. From January 2017 to March 2018, the Royal Canadian Mounted Police intercepted 25,645 people crossing the border into Canada illegally. Public Safety Canada estimated that another 2,500 came across in April 2018 for a total of just over 28,000, of which 1,000 had been removed from Canada.
What did america do about this . Nothing

2)Most fentanyl enters the US via MexicoLess than 1% was seized across the northern US border with Canada. The remainder was from sea routes or other US checkpoints.
so why is canada getting blamed ?

So, Canada claims a 91% success rate in detaining people? That's a "We invented this out of thin air on our Lunch break" number...

It doesn't matter if it's a "small amount" of Fentanyl... 2 mg can Kill someone.
AOC is saying Elon isn't smart. The Lady that said the World was going to explode in 10 years because of "Global Warming" and that Cow Farts are dangerous says Elon isn't smart.

Let that brew for a while...
She was just parroting mussage-parlor large al gore, from the 90's. However, these prophecies began, as a ten year projection, in the 80's, and as we survived each, another was issued.

And likewise harolded, electric vehicles from the late 18th and early 19th century have
So, Canada claims a 91% success rate in detaining people? That's a "We invented this out of thin air on our Lunch break" number...

It doesn't matter if it's a "small amount" of Fentanyl... 2 mg can Kill someone.
the border is a two way street for example two week ago the toronto police seized 83 million worth of cocaine at the us canada border . this is drugs coming into canada from usa . What i am trying to say is that usa is just as guilty of not securing it border as canada .

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The drugs seized in the largest cocaine bust in Toronto police history have the "hallmarks" of a notorious Mexican cartel, officials said Tuesday, expressing hope that their investigation dealt a blow to its local operations.
Police announced the 835-kilogram seizure at their headquarters, from a podium crowded out by bags and boxes they suggested were filled with cocaine.
the border is a two way street for example two week ago the toronto police seized 83 million worth of cocaine at the us canada border . this is drugs coming into canada from usa . What i am trying to say is that usa is just as guilty of not securing it border as canada .

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The drugs seized in the largest cocaine bust in Toronto police history have the "hallmarks" of a notorious Mexican cartel, officials said Tuesday, expressing hope that their investigation dealt a blow to its local operations.
Police announced the 835-kilogram seizure at their headquarters, from a podium crowded out by bags and boxes they suggested were filled with cocaine.
Yes. The USA didn't secure the borders for 4 long Years. That is ending now.
Well, what happens when Trudeau leaves?
the liberal party is having a convention shorty(March 9) to select a new prime minister , probably mark carney . parliament will be recalled . at that time a vote of confidence will happen. if the government survives then business as usual. If the government is defeated then a general election is called 30 days later. so it would probably be Pierre Poilievre of the conservative party. Canada is very left wing. the conservative party of canada is about the same as the democratic party of usa.
I do not expect much change , the parament runs the government . If a bill is defeated in the house that is a vote of non confidence and the government is defeated. so who ever is in office has to be very careful about what bills they send to the house .
Canada is very left wing. so republicans would love to get their hand on canadian natural resources. However if that happened the canadian voters would push the house and senate so far the the left , this would happen
legalize abortion as a right, outlaw assault rifles, legalize marijuana through the country , bring is socialized medicine.
outlaw hate speech ie kkk , make french a official language of the usa . that would just be the start .
IMHO, Trudeau is like my Governor, Gavin Newsom, but Trudeau is like Newsom on steroids. Horrible leader, great liberal, and will support anyone who wears a jock strap and a bra. Then again, what ever floats your boat, since what he does really doesn't affect me, one way or the other.
IMHO, Trudeau is like my Governor, Gavin Newsom, but Trudeau is like Newsom on steroids. Horrible leader, great liberal, and will support anyone who wears a jock strap and a bra. Then again, what ever floats your boat, since what he does really doesn't affect me, one way or the other.
I don't see any difference, but I'm not affected by either.
IMHO, Trudeau is like my Governor, Gavin Newsom, but Trudeau is like Newsom on steroids. Horrible leader, great liberal, and will support anyone who wears a jock strap and a bra. Then again, what ever floats your boat, since what he does really doesn't affect me, one way or the other.
Actually transgender is not a thing in canada like in the usa , and this woke stuff is not a thing either , in fact i don't know what it is . The reason trudeau is going out is that he was spending money like crazy. Canadians are very financially responsible and would have voted him out if he tried to pass a new budget.
the border is a two way street for example two week ago the toronto police seized 83 million worth of cocaine at the us canada border . this is drugs coming into canada from usa . What i am trying to say is that usa is just as guilty of not securing it border as canada .

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The drugs seized in the largest cocaine bust in Toronto police history have the "hallmarks" of a notorious Mexican cartel, officials said Tuesday, expressing hope that their investigation dealt a blow to its local operations.
Police announced the 835-kilogram seizure at their headquarters, from a podium crowded out by bags and boxes they suggested were filled with cocaine.
You should build a wall and we'll pay for it, like Mexico did for us.
the border is a two way street
OTTAWA, Feb 5 (Reuters) - One person died and 15 were arrested trying to enter Canada from the United States in three incidents in recent weeks, Canadian police said on Wednesday, highlighting efforts to secure the border as U.S. President Donald Trump demands a crackdown.
the border is a two way street
OTTAWA, Feb 5 (Reuters) - One person died and 15 were arrested trying to enter Canada from the United States in three incidents in recent weeks, Canadian police said on Wednesday, highlighting efforts to secure the border as U.S. President Donald Trump demands a crackdown.
Not really.

Northern Border encounters by Year...

2022... 109,535

2023... 189,402

2024... 198,929

That has nothing to do with people that got away.

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