Now that my fears about the foundation not being bolted to the house are somewhat allayed, I will move on to my next major concern. That being some stairstep cracks in the corners of the basement walls. The cracks are approx. 1/16 " and don't seem to be getting wider. Also there are numerous hairline cracks all over, mainly on that same wall. Been battling water issues from day one which I'll get into.
This was about the last lot sold in the subdivision and for good reason I've found. Lot gets a lot of run off from higher ground behind it. House was built with no exterior drain tile around the outside footer. However, it was built with an interior drain system leading to sump pump. Has French drain all around interior perimeter of the house under the cement floor. Weep hole in bottom concrete block under the basement floor. Sump pumps a lot of water during heavy rain. Water table is pretty high even though I am up on a hill, just not quite at the top. water table is actually about 8 inches or so below the basement floor, so I set the sump pump accordingly. Not really getting much water in the basement, maybe a little under the sink where there is no thorougseal if it rains for several days straight.
House was not originally graded properly to drain water away from the house. Had a swamp in my back yard so I had it regraded putting swales on each side of the house to drain the water. Put in French drains all around the house which resulted in a big improvement drainage wise. Originally there was no drip edge on the gutters so fixed that. I keep the gutters clean, they run underground and discharge at the road. Originally the window wells would fill up (no drains of course) and spill into the basement, so put a drain in one well tying into the French drain and put a little Wayne sump pump in the other well. Would like to put a drain in this one too. Can't think of much else I can do.
So am wondering what to do about these cracks. Do i call a mason and see if He can fill them? Call a basement contractor ? Am wondering if this wall will fail soon. Maybe should put another support under that girder?

This was about the last lot sold in the subdivision and for good reason I've found. Lot gets a lot of run off from higher ground behind it. House was built with no exterior drain tile around the outside footer. However, it was built with an interior drain system leading to sump pump. Has French drain all around interior perimeter of the house under the cement floor. Weep hole in bottom concrete block under the basement floor. Sump pumps a lot of water during heavy rain. Water table is pretty high even though I am up on a hill, just not quite at the top. water table is actually about 8 inches or so below the basement floor, so I set the sump pump accordingly. Not really getting much water in the basement, maybe a little under the sink where there is no thorougseal if it rains for several days straight.
House was not originally graded properly to drain water away from the house. Had a swamp in my back yard so I had it regraded putting swales on each side of the house to drain the water. Put in French drains all around the house which resulted in a big improvement drainage wise. Originally there was no drip edge on the gutters so fixed that. I keep the gutters clean, they run underground and discharge at the road. Originally the window wells would fill up (no drains of course) and spill into the basement, so put a drain in one well tying into the French drain and put a little Wayne sump pump in the other well. Would like to put a drain in this one too. Can't think of much else I can do.
So am wondering what to do about these cracks. Do i call a mason and see if He can fill them? Call a basement contractor ? Am wondering if this wall will fail soon. Maybe should put another support under that girder?
