Hello Chris,
Like Sparky617, I'm not clean on what challenge you're facing.
If you're trying to prevent water from going through the wall into the basement or crawl space, Sheet Drains are excellent products to place against the wall. Dimple Board is a brand name of Dry Up Company. American Wick Drain is another. Some have landscape fabric on one face and some have dimples on both faces.
It works great. I've used it a bunch of times. At work they used it on basement walls of a industrial building that was built into a swamp. No leaks ever.
Additionally, you probably want to have a trench at the bottom of the sheet drain to carry the water away.
Many people put a layer of #1A crushed at the bottom, then a perforated pipe with a sock on it, then a few inches of gravel, then dirt, sand or top soil
Others use slag sand in a pitched trench and skip the pipe. Slag sand can be compacted to be hard like concrete, yet still carry water away.
Also made are environmentally disaster socks filled with packing peanuts. Do they work? Beats me!