Hello Skq914,
As part of my job and while in university, I took many classes regarding sanitation, environmental hygiene and similar areas of disease prevention and mitigation. Some also were FDA classes and some were USDA classes. Therefore, what I am going to say below is true. (Others here will disagree.)
** Never, Ever spray, wash or mist mold with chlorine containing products. Also, don't use these in the vicinity because colonies too small to see are present nearby.
Most mold species have a defense mechanism that is activated when exposed to chlorine. Even opening a container of chlorine product near the mold will activate the defense mechanism. This defense mechanism will spread the mold. (The mold you see will be killed, but see "Spread Mold?"
Spread Mold?
The mold will throw spores when the defense mechanism is activated. In a laboratory demonstration, we saw mold spores being thrown up to 500 cm away! With the slightest air current, the spores went much further. When the spores landed, they started growing new colonies.
How To Kill It Without Spreading It-
The most effective & chemical free way to kill the mold is with steam. A wall paper steamer can be rented easily.
Water drenching over 180-F will kill most molds, but not all & not all spores.
Household 5% white vinegar kills many (not all) molds & spores without activating the defense mechanism in about 10 minutes. For porous surfaces, it is not very effective deep in the surface.
How To Clean Up The Surface-
After the visible molds & the invisible nearby molds are 100% dead, dead, dead- Then you can use chlorine to get the black, pink &/or brown residue out if you wish. Finish with a soap & water scrub and rinse.
Washing soda also makes an effective scrub to remove the dead stuff. (As do TSP and Dirtex)
Hydrogen peroxide is a good cleaner, too. (Not always a good killer of molds)
How To Prevent Mold From Ever Growing On A Surface Again-
Quaternary Ammonium compounds will prevent mold from ever growing again if not rinsed off. It must be 200 ppm or higher concentration. Do not use an organic cloth. There is high uptake of quateranry ammonium into, for example, cotton cloth.
If your cleanup missed some spores, the quaternary ammonium will prevent the spores from ever growing. (Actually, on active mold, it will kill any spores and prevent the existing mold from growing- but it won't kill the mold itself. )
Silver plating the surface will also prevent mold forever. So, just in case you're a rich guy...
Where To Get Quats?
Most grocery and hardware stores sell quat containing products. But, the PPM is not always stated. Some have perfumes and dyes that can interfere with the method of action.
Restaurant suppliers have fragrance free quaternary ammonium for use in low temperature dish washing machines. Hospital suppliers also stock it.