For what is worth, I have those lamps in the 5,000-K color temperature outside. One shoots at my garage, about 30 feet away. It's bright enough to play basketball at night, use a table saw safely and even read way over at the garage.
The lamp actually draws 26 watts at my house. (Was curious and checked once.) The base gets warm to the touch due to the rectifier, but the lamp holder does not.
A Tip:
For outside screw shell bulbs, it's wise to put a very little bit of anti-oxidation compound on the thread and on the tip, but don't let the compound bridge the gap between the two parts. (it is conductive.)
This will help keep the bulb base from corroding & sticking to the lamp holder.
Hardware stores often have Ideal Brand NoAlox in little squeeze tubes for a couple of dollars.
Don't use auto store dielectric grease. It's non-conductive.