My daughters washer is making this awful noise and doesn't spin.
Could it be the drive belt?
Any other suggestions?
View attachment 1000011012.mp4
Could it be the drive belt?
Any other suggestions?
View attachment 1000011012.mp4
I will send my SIL a screenshot of your advice and we will go from there. Thank you soo much!If it agitates fine, the problem isn't the belt, or the coupler if direct drive.
If it only makes the sound when trying to spin, check these:
Unbalanced Load
Suspension Rod Came Off
Shock Absorber Bad
Worn Tub Bearings
Faulty Drain Pump.
Drain Pump? How?
On my Bravos top loader, when the drain pump fails, there is too much water for the coupler to engage, The machine won't spin and makes a grinding noise because the basket can't get in the proper position and the coupler grinds against its mating part. I'm good at this repair. Pumps last 1 year tops on this not so fine machine.
Also on my Bravos, twice the suspension rod broke. It made sounds similar to those in your video and would not spin because the basket tilted against the outer tub. Again the coupler was grinding against its mate.
Bearings: Again the noise came. The bearings were worn out because there is no way to use lubricant.
And, on another Magtag piece of junk I owned, the basket made noise and did not spin. The cause was that the brick fell off. Yup- There was a regular, old house brick on a string that kept the basket from grinding against the outer tub.
To diagnose and tackle the repair, many parts sellers on line have good videos to walk you through. You may also find on line the repair manual for the machine.
If yours is belt drive, maybe the transmission is worn, but you probably would hear the noise during agitation also.