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So, please outline, where, in this quote;
"For most people, it’s very difficult to stay committed to any diet that’s too restrictive of one or more food categories. For that reason, the paleo diet isn’t effective for continued weight loss.
In terms of overall health, the paleo diet is high in saturated fats due to the increased intake of protein from animal food sources. Over time, people following the diet could see increases in cholesterol, particularly the less healthy cholesterol. This could increase the risk of heart disease."

Where any of these, "High Saturated Fat due to eating tons of Eggs and Coconut Oil has little impact on anything.

High Saturated Fat due to eating tons of Stadium Hot Dogs is a quick trip to the grave."

are contained

Cholesterol in foods has "almost" no translation to Cholesterol in the blood.

Which taken literally, means and can be assumed, when understanding each individual absorption process, does.

The article is a Vegan article and a fail in every way shape and form.

So, can you detail where, in the article, that an absolute adherence to a, VEGAN DIET, as you've declared it to be, exists?
Whenever I hear someone tout that organic foods are better, even though they cost up to 50% more money, I think of this truth...

Is organic produce sprayed with pesticides?

Organic foods are not necessarily pesticide-free. In the United States, only pesticides that meet the criteria of the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) National Organic Program may be used in organic crop production.Jun 9, 2023
So, please outline, where, in this quote;
"For most people, it’s very difficult to stay committed to any diet that’s too restrictive of one or more food categories. For that reason, the paleo diet isn’t effective for continued weight loss.
In terms of overall health, the paleo diet is high in saturated fats due to the increased intake of protein from animal food sources. Over time, people following the diet could see increases in cholesterol, particularly the less healthy cholesterol. This could increase the risk of heart disease."

Where any of these, "High Saturated Fat due to eating tons of Eggs and Coconut Oil has little impact on anything.

High Saturated Fat due to eating tons of Stadium Hot Dogs is a quick trip to the grave."

are contained

Cholesterol in foods has "almost" no translation to Cholesterol in the blood.

Which taken literally, means and can be assumed, when understanding each individual absorption process, does.

The article is a Vegan article and a fail in every way shape and form.

So, can you detail where, in the article, that an absolute adherence to a, VEGAN DIET, as you've declared it to be, exists?
Have you ever heard the term "Read between the lines"?? "Protein from animal food sources" means it's written by Vegan people that have no idea what they are talking about.

An Egg is an animal protein source. It comes from an animal called a Chicken, specifically the Female gender called a Hen.

Saturated Fats are both Vegan and Animal. Some are very healthy like Coconut Oil, which has every MCT, while some are bad like Jimmy Dean, which offers almost zero nutrition and tons of Saturated fat.

There is no link between dietary cholesterol and blood cholesterol.

Start studying, I'm only 20 years ahead of you.
Whenever I hear someone tout that organic foods are better, even though they cost up to 50% more money, I think of this truth...

Is organic produce sprayed with pesticides?

Organic foods are not necessarily pesticide-free. In the United States, only pesticides that meet the criteria of the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) National Organic Program may be used in organic crop production.Jun 9, 2023
Right. They use Organic pesticides from natural sources, not Roundup or Atrazine, which cause cancer, or 2,4-D, which is one half of Agent Orange. You can buy all those off the shelf.

Organic sometimes costs more, but I saw Organic Sweet Potatoes at the same price point as Conventional several times last year, and I just looked up Conventional vs. Organic Potatoes here, same price at $3.99 for a 5 lb bag.

Conventional Asparagus is $6.99 lb. while Organic Asparagus is $6.38 at the natural store, but I believe $5.99 at Costco.

Conventional and Organic on the Vine Tomatoes, both $2.99 lb.

One could look up the Dirty Dozen vs. the Clean Fifteen that the EWG produces yearly to save money while buying Conventional produce that is cheaper than Organic, but lets talk about the true cost...

That 50% extra for Organic produce where that is true... What is the cost long term of eating produce sprayed with Roundup, Atrazine, 2,4-D etc.? What is the cost of eating produce in a highly sprayed area where people also have their lawns sprayed?

Thousands of cases still exist against Bayer for cancer caused by Roundup... Little side note... Why did Bayer buy Monsanto even after Monsanto was ordered to pay close to $300 Million to a victim of Roundup?

Because they were Nazis in the conglomerate of IG Farben during WWII, and they didn't change their ways.
@Spicoli43 it's hard for me to find a good balance of foods to eat....
For instance:
Gastroparesis (GP)... raw vegetables make me feel like I have a bowel obstruction. So I have to cook them to death, and then I still feel that way after a few days of heavy veg intake.... part of the problem is that I have poor dentition. I do have a top denture, but I don't wear it often. I don't have molars on the bottom so the denture really just makes my face more appealing (I am aware it does more than that)..... and then lastly.... lapband. Getting things chewed up properly is an act of congress.

Onto cholesterol..... Genetics plays a huge part in a persons cholesterol levels. Of course food has a play in it, but it would seem thats true more so for those predisposed to high cholesterol. I have seen patients with normal cholesterol levels (including triglycerides) have to have open heart surgery. I have even seen patients with hypocholesterolemia have blockages and ooen heart surgery.
In modern medicine we tend to try to convince people that it's 1 thing they need to change or perfect to avoid this or that and it isn't that simple.

All this food reading and talk and now I am hungry, so I am going to go heat up some pot roast with 🥔 🌰 and 🥕 and see if I am miserable in about an hour. Hopefully i won't be.

Why does that onion symbol resemble an acorn?

Also... speaking of acorns (made me think of a squirrel), which made me think of my brain, which caused me to think squirrel brain, which led me to the ADHD part of the post..... lol
After looking at the testing, I got back into my epigenetic stuff and being Slow COMT is also a pathway to ADHD. I need to add a couple more b supplements, but I would really like to try NAC. I have several SNPs that are not the wild type which can cause traffic jams in methylation pathways and I am trying to clean up methylation as much as I can to help with anxiety, panic, OCD and maybe ADHD. It's quite fascinating to me at least)
Yeah, Shan... You're a perfect example of someone that knows what they can and can't eat.

Genetics is rare in Cholesterol, but it is a factor. When you say "High" Cholesterol, are you talking sky high or just what the AMA and other groups say is high? For years, I have known the perfect level of TC for an Adult Male is 200.

You're right, most chest cracking surgery has to do with everything besides Cholesterol. The factors I was told to watch for are Homocysteine and High Sensitivity C-Reactive Protein. (Some Doctors have called that the Widowmaker)

NAC is great, should be taken by everyone since it forces the Liver to produce Glutathione. You can get it cheap from Bulk Supplements dot com (Or that brand on Walmart)

If you know what a SNP is, you are well on your way to unlocking how to help yourself...
Perfect example of my New Years Resolution to unclutter all my junk, hit me right in the head today... I needed a Ruler, standard size we all grew up with. I have 12 of them because that's how many they sold me. I just found one finally after going through several drawers, but I also found 2 Crescent Wrenches, 2 Pliers and 4 Screwdrivers that didn't belong where they were.
Have you ever heard the term "Read between the lines"?? "Protein from animal food sources" means it's written by Vegan people that have no idea what they are talking about.

An Egg is an animal protein source. It comes from an animal called a Chicken, specifically the Female gender called a Hen.

Saturated Fats are both Vegan and Animal. Some are very healthy like Coconut Oil, which has every MCT, while some are bad like Jimmy Dean, which offers almost zero nutrition and tons of Saturated fat.

There is no link between dietary cholesterol and blood cholesterol.

Start studying, I'm only 20 years ahead of you.
AHHH, I sea, it's the supposed, assumption, OF AN UNPROVEN INTENT, that is the reality, hidden within the, un-illistreatable context, of the article?

Is your dwelling, also lined with tinfoil?
Perfect example of my New Years Resolution to unclutter all my junk, hit me right in the head today... I needed a Ruler, standard size we all grew up with. I have 12 of them because that's how many they sold me. I just found one finally after going through several drawers, but I also found 2 Crescent Wrenches, 2 Pliers and 4 Screwdrivers that didn't belong where they were.
Me too @Spicoli43 , me too
AHHH, I sea, it's the supposed, assumption, OF AN UNPROVEN INTENT, that is the reality, hidden within the, un-illistreatable context, of the article?

Is your dwelling, also lined with tinfoil?
No Frasier Crane, I'm just very well versed in the field, and can tell when an article is written by a bunch of Vegans and Leftists...

Proof they are Vegans... "Animal sources"

Proof they are Leftists... "Cave People" instead of Cavemen, which has been the term for as long as the term has been known.

Proof they are Morons... The entire article.

It's also from an "Edjumucation Center" in Kommiefornia, guaranteeing they are Leftists.

If YOU wish to insert yourself into a field of study in which you have ZERO education, why not actually research beforehand?

Just one thing to start out with... Just ONE TIDBIT in that idiotic article that I haven't mentioned yet... "At the same time, you may consume saturated fat and protein far above recommended levels due to eating so much meat."

It's almost impossible to consume protein AT the recommended limit, much less "far above" it... To consume the recommended amount of protein for a 50 Year old Male in average shape, one would need about 2.5 pounds of Ground Beef... Who eats that much? One could substitute 2.25 pounds of Chicken breast, (7 Cups), but who eats that much besides a Bodybuilder? One could also go for Lentils, with the serving size only 15.5 Cups.

(Same requirements for a 20 YO College Kid)

The Dietitians that wrote and reviewed that article have NO education, they are parroting what they were taught at Vegan Leftist U, with no emphasis on ANYTHING related to actual nutrition. They can't even figure out PROTEIN, which is Nutrition 101.

Anything else?
If you know what a SNP is, you are well on your way to unlocking how to help yourself...
I have slow COMT, Slow MAO-A, Mthfr c677t, GAD1, Sulta2A1, CYP1A2, NR3C1(×5) all potentially causing methylation pathway problems. I just need to order the NAC and give it a go.

It is all quite.fascinating. I use to look stuff up alot, but I fet way too consumed (OCD) when I fo, so I try not to get too interested in it very often.

And as well all genetics.... they just are possibilities, not probabilities.
Some people with wild type (normal) have symptoms that either a slow or fast COMT might have, as well as SLOW or FAST may be asymptomatic.
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Wow... It's a definite Rabbit hole to dive into, but it could unlock everything and result in returning you to peak shape. I have never talked to anyone in person that knew what you just said, nobody knows anything about that.

I should walk into the VA and say I think I have a slow COMT, Slow MAO-A, Mthfr c677t, GAD1, Sulta2A1, CYP1A2, NR3C1(×5) methylation pathway and watch for the reaction. Nobody does that, nobody knows that.

Yet it is the literal Health Locker for them. It is the wires that are crossed that they need to tamper with to return to health, and all they get is somebody scribbling on a pad to take to the Pharmacy, which does absolutely nothing to help them.
No Frasier Crane, I'm just very well versed in the field, and can tell when an article is written by a bunch of Vegans and Leftists...

Proof they are Vegans... "Animal sources"

Proof they are Leftists... "Cave People" instead of Cavemen, which has been the term for as long as the term has been known.

Proof they are Morons... The entire article.

It's also from an "Edjumucation Center" in Kommiefornia, guaranteeing they are Leftists.

If YOU wish to insert yourself into a field of study in which you have ZERO education, why not actually research beforehand?

Just one thing to start out with... Just ONE TIDBIT in that idiotic article that I haven't mentioned yet... "At the same time, you may consume saturated fat and protein far above recommended levels due to eating so much meat."

It's almost impossible to consume protein AT the recommended limit, much less "far above" it... To consume the recommended amount of protein for a 50 Year old Male in average shape, one would need about 2.5 pounds of Ground Beef... Who eats that much? One could substitute 2.25 pounds of Chicken breast, (7 Cups), but who eats that much besides a Bodybuilder? One could also go for Lentils, with the serving size only 15.5 Cups.

(Same requirements for a 20 YO College Kid)

The Dietitians that wrote and reviewed that article have NO education, they are parroting what they were taught at Vegan Leftist U, with no emphasis on ANYTHING related to actual nutrition. They can't even figure out PROTEIN, which is Nutrition 101.

Anything else?
However, to declare and insist on doing, as you have done, and persist in, are at last, simply ongoing studies, which for the average person, are insurmountably expensive.

So again, one size, does not fit all!

Simply speaking, you, will tell you, when you are abusing you, if you listen.
However, to declare and insist on doing, as you have done, and persist in, are at last, simply ongoing studies, which for the average person, are insurmountably expensive.

So again, one size, does not fit all!

Simply speaking, you, will tell you, when you are abusing you, if you listen.

I don't have a North Dakota to English Translation guide.
And the perfect New Year continues... I peeled the last 5 Potatoes to Air fry them and forgot to put the peelings in the compost bag... This is the Universe saying "So, Dummy... Still talking about Paleo but not doing it?"


Couldn't happen on Dec 31!


  • Potato.JPG
    3.8 MB
I didn't go for the leftover pot roast earlier.

I am going to attempt a corn dog and sweet potato fries, see how that goes.

On another note..... I am tired of cold weather already. Humans are just never satisfied.

I watched a decent movie on Hulu earlier, The Creator, anyone else watch it? It's included on Hulu but you have to rent it on a few other platforms.
I don't have a North Dakota to English Translation guide.
Just proof read, before posting.

And, by the way, SNPS are, among other sources, derived from tomatoes, broccoli and Oates.

HMMMM, nothing vegan there.
I didn't go for the leftover pot roast earlier.

I am going to attempt a corn dog and sweet potato fries, see how that goes.

On another note..... I am tired of cold weather already. Humans are just never satisfied.

I watched a decent movie on Hulu earlier, The Creator, anyone else watch it? It's included on Hulu but you have to rent it on a few other platforms.
It's on my list of things to occupy the dead zone until YELLOSTONE is back.

I'm currently on madame secretary, a humorous re-imagination of billary Clinton.

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