This Yahoo article is a re-print of a LA Times article. Many people are saying both Mayor Karen Bass and Fire Chief Crowley are DEI hires. I don't know much about Crowley but she reminds me of a situation I witnessed in DFW (Ca Dept of Fish and Wildlife).
DFW has two sides to it. The scientific side with the biologists and PhDs and the LED (Law Enforcement Division) side. I was the chief pilot of the Air Services which is in the LED side. All the pilots are Sworn State Peace Officers. In my 30 years with the department, I saw 5 or 6 Chiefs of Patrol. One of them, My favorite, was a lesbian woman. It would be easy to say she was a DEI hire but that would be wrong. She came up through the ranks and was incredibly qualified. She was tough but fair. If you did your job, she could be your best friend. I liked her a lot. She kept her professional life and her personal life separate.
Ol' Dawg (Tom) was a very good friend of mine. He passed away a few years ago while mowing his grass just minutes after we had a chat. Still hurts me to the core since I begged him not to mow his lawn in the high heat/high humidity that he was enduring that day.
Sorry about your friend.
I keep telling Ruby that we should take it a little slower and enjoy ourselves more but she only knows one speed . . .Full speed!
Just remember, in politics, 50% of the people love what you say and the other 50% hate what you say. If you don't agree with what is posted, either keep it civil
Good advice that should be intuitive.
Ruby told me yesterday that she wanted a new Cat shelter before the latest Siberian Arctic Blast hits starting tomorrow night.
The cat house she bought a month ago is not working well for the cats.
Apparently, feral cats like a more open shelter. Ruby put a plastic bin on its side with a cushion and blanket in it and the cats prefer that to the fancy cat house. So, Ruby asked me to build a box with dimensions that would maximize the space where the cats like to be. The box is to be insulated and have a wide but not too tall door. The wide door will enable the cats to see enemies coming and escape if needed.
I quickly drew a plan and headed to Lowe’s. Ruby wanted this thing built ASAP. Ruby doesn’t understand why I draw everything since it’s just a box but it helps my visualize the parts and sizes.
I used foam board for insulation
I used a sheet of 1/8” plastic panel for the sides. I got the panel from Lowes. It doesn’t say what kind of plastic it is…just recycled. It’s definitely waterproof. I insulated all sides.
It’s ugly as sin but it’s strong and just what Ruby wanted.
I still need to remove our hoses and put faucet covers on in preparation of the Siberian Arctic Blast coming.