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  1. mrrobinson

    Need a product to help make my bathtub non slip

    My tenants called me today and said they used it and it worked great. I'm glad it was easy enough that I didn't have to travel to do it for them. Thank you! :)
  2. mrrobinson

    Need a product to help make my bathtub non slip

    I just ordered them some and I am having it shipped to the property. I'll let you know what happens when they get it.
  3. mrrobinson

    Need a product to help make my bathtub non slip

    I have a rental property in another state and my new tenants are complaining that the bathtubs are too slippery. I have had multiple renters before this family and haven’t had any complaints yet, but none the less I need to try and fix the situation so that I continue to receive rent on time...
  4. mrrobinson

    My father taught me...

    My father taught me so much, I think of him more an more everyday how wonderful he was.
  5. mrrobinson

    a warning to everyone

    oh yeah, i would NEVER buy a used mattress. no offense but especially some place like the goodwill. i would take a lightly used hand me down one from a close family member if i had to, but ugh. you never know what your getting with a used mattress.
  6. mrrobinson

    Cool joke..

    wowwwwww :D
  7. mrrobinson

    Squirrels love new paint!

    ive never heard of squirrels chewing off paint. that's crazy. i wouldn't shoot them either, that's a little dramatic if you ask me. i would go with the spray. sounds like the best option.
  8. mrrobinson

    Found a memory...

    nice video...someone was having fun! :p
  9. mrrobinson

    What is the best way to quit smoking?

    i smoked for a while. it was very addicting. but what made me quit was that they just didn't make me feel good. i felt like i was always coming down with a cold or something, they made me feel gross and lethargic. i noticed big changes in my teeth yellowing and graying. i knew i had to stop. so...
  10. mrrobinson

    inexpensive book cases

    i would build your own. you can design it how you want, how big, what color....etc. and it will be more memorable. something you can give family members years from now....."so and and so made this in our family...."
  11. mrrobinson

    What are you wearing right now?

    i'm wearing blue flannel PJs....ah yes :)
  12. mrrobinson

    Favorite Childhood Toy

    ^ wow. that reminds me. i don't know how many GI joe action figures i got for my son. he had the jeep as well!
  13. mrrobinson

    Random Facts

    i didn't know your hair still grew for a few months after you die.....creepy!
  14. mrrobinson

    My bedroom is a disaster..

    get a plastic shoe rack to hang on the back of your door. that will get those out of the way. clean off the bed and then make the bed :) new couch is definitely necessary. get a used one. add some color. maybe some throw pillows or some cheap pictures to go on the wall.
  15. mrrobinson

    Eating Dinner with History

    I would want to eat some "munchies" with Jimmi Hendrix :banana:
  16. mrrobinson

    pill bug or cockroach?

    well, they are definitely not cockroaches. so i guess they are pill bugs
  17. mrrobinson

    Decorating Ideas For Small Rooms

    also, the less accessories the better. don't want to have too much crap in the room!
  18. mrrobinson

    The dirt on soap scum

    thanks nester. good tips
  19. mrrobinson

    Weird Smell??

    that is very weird. obviously something about the humidity makes the smell come in. hope you figure that out
  20. mrrobinson

    Which is your favorite color of Home wallpaper?

    eh, i don't like wallpaper. it's outdated to me.