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  1. W

    In-Slab Drain -- Sanity Check

    Hi guys, Sorry to resurrect an old thread, but I've got one further hurdle to getting this solved. It is the washing machine. How do I tie it into my main sewer line? My main sewer line exits underneath the north exterior wall. I have a backwater valve in line, right before it exits...
  2. W

    In-Slab Drain -- Sanity Check

    That's very helpful, thanks. I'm sorry I didn't take a better picture of what's going on on the other side. I can definitely make the change to get the additional vent line in, and connect into the toilet closer to the backwater valve as suggested. Maybe this top-down will be helpful...
  3. W

    In-Slab Drain -- Sanity Check

    Thank you for the feedback, sirs. May I get some clarification on the comments. - What part of the tub drain needs to be 2"? From the p-trap on? The drain/overflow assembly I bought is all 1 1/2". - You suggest another vent down from the toilet. Doesn't the 3" vertical stack to the...
  4. W

    In-Slab Drain -- Sanity Check

    Hey guys, I'm getting close to having my inspection (Alberta, Canada) for the below-grade plumbing and I'd like to get some of you fine folks to double-check my work. Some of it (the parts that are already in use) are cemented, but some of what you see is just dry-fitted. There's a lot going...
  5. W

    Egress Window Bracing -- Understand drawing

    Yes, he did visit the site and took some pictures. I don't know what he understood or didn't, but I will be talking to them on Monday. Thanks all.
  6. W

    Egress Window Bracing -- Understand drawing

    Thanks for the note. The drawing is not to scale. The sills, as expanded, are actually about 48" off the floor. I have not seen any mention of sill height in the civil or provincial documentation (though that's no guarantee). They do repeatedly discuss window opening size and also window...
  7. W

    Egress Window Bracing -- Understand drawing

    Thanks guys. What do you mean by the "extra rim joist"? I couldn't make much sense of their drawings. In the first drawing it says the window header should be "secured to the joist above", but it is in between and parallel to the joists above. A bit of blocking to secure the wall to isn't...
  8. W

    Egress Window Bracing -- Understand drawing

    Hello, I am developing a basement suite and was required (in order to have a permit issued) to get engineering drawings for the egress window expansion. The drawings I received are below. As I understand it, the bracing wall is to share the load of the main floor, particularly where...