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  1. booft

    Television safety question

    I didnt even know this issue could exist, here I thought technology was smarter by now. Thanks for the tips! Im not that good with tvs and the such, but this I will remember for quite sometime!
  2. booft

    Toilet has Tingling Water Sound Constantly

    Are you sure the water from the tank is not evaporating, and the comode itself is not juse slowing (with the dripping sound) replacing the water that has gone?
  3. booft

    stapling vinyl siding

    So is this a real nail type siding gun? Im confused here, I know they need to be loose but wouldnt this make it end up being too tight?
  4. booft

    Getting pretty sick of the Depot

    I feel the pain too, I went to HD and tried to find a small room heater for my office here and it was a huge pain. They have lovely lights and big appliances, but trying to find a person that finally told me 1/2 past later they were out, was a pain.
  5. booft

    General overhaul...ongoing(pix!!!)

    The cedar siding looks amazing. And for that 67 mustang, what a lucky lucky mate you are! I would take that full double open room (without the wall) and just make it one large room if possible. :) Maybe a nice rec room!
  6. booft

    How to handle wall problem?

    haha Dude you are awesome, I run around this site reading up a ton of things, and Im always surprised by the level of respect you have for new people starting out. Just reading this thread (and the above quote) made me a little more knowledgable (Ive always wanted to work on an old house) and...
  7. booft

    TV Height

    Yea it really does come down to personal preference here lad. How large is the rec room to start with so we have a better painted picture of what you already see? :D
  8. booft

    Painting Wood Paneling

    Is this hard to do. Right now I have a den like room that has panel all over it, and someone decided to paint atop it, so it looks like crap. I have no idea what to do with it but its slowly driving me insane.
  9. booft

    Floor and wall rot in add on bath

    The picture would be a great idea so we could get a better idea of all you mean. I am horrible without seeing the issues. I love to see that it might have been a porch before hand. I know someones house that the now living room had a fireplace in it, next to the front door, there is a huge...
  10. booft

    Help finding recessed lights

    Anyone have pictures of this, I kind of know what you mean, I think but still unsure a little bit. I might be thinking of something else though too.
  11. booft

    Modular Homes?

    The only thing I know is that sometimes you need to special order things you may wish to replace (faucet, stove top, etc.) Most things for Mobile units are special made, the size is different so be careful for that.
  12. booft

    Stove Racks

    I am on the hunt for a stove rack, I got a stove second hand from a friend who needed some quick cash at a time. I dont cook too offten, but it seems anytime I want to bake something, I keep forgetting it needs a new rack. Any suggestions?
  13. booft


    Right now Comp USA is going out of business all over, they are completly shutting down. You might very well find some good deals there. I have a an Epson CX5400, I got it a couple years back, but you can check their site if you need something like this (its a all in one type).
  14. booft

    Security Alarms

    I am wondering myself if the install price is really worth it. Has anyone done this on their own before?
  15. booft

    Woodworking Videos!!

    Thats awesome, thanks for sharing. I play around with woodworking, but not that great lately. Seems when you stop hobbys after so many years, its like you are learning all over again.
  16. booft

    Asbestos in walls and ceiling?

    Yes we are affected by somethings we dont really notice, but I would still have it tested to be on the safe side. I couldnt imagine leaving a house either to sell to someone new, or having my family still reside there without knowing. Then again, I worry a lot too. ;)
  17. booft

    Need a new dishwasher

    How much do the Miele's go for? I need to replace mine, but that is after I gut most of the kitchen redoing some walling and a huge countertop.
  18. booft

    Dryer taking forever to dry clothes

    Good catch, I know many that forget this and then wonder why their clothes are more fuzzy than when they went in! The little things add up with lint for sure.
  19. booft

    Check your dryer duct

    Good thread, many people forget thing from time to time. I try and check mine once a month if I can. Also, mine oddly doesnt clog anywhere in the middle, only the outter end piece that is outside of my house. So a quick spray off the trap (its a rodent trap) and its clean again. :)