DIY Tiny House

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Nov 18, 2015
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I'm interested in Tiny Houses, even some on wheels. I've seen a company here in New Zealand that will build one for you but they don't mention the cost. Seems like you would really need to know what you are doing to do it yourself. Houses on wheels have a different load bearing consideration that plain old trailers.
Welcome Carlowz. I haven't seen any discussions here on the subject of tiny houses, but share what knowledge you have. You never know what might come up. Seems logical about load bearing on something portable.
Some of the tiny houses on wheels are supposed to be portable. I just don't get them though. Just about all of them require a Super Duty truck to transport (F-250/350, Chevy 2500/3500). A considerable expense for someone that is trying to downsize their lifestyle and their finances. They typically have composting toilets instead of a holding tank like you'd find on a RV trailer.

In the USA the show Tiny House Nation on FYI follows people as they have a tiny house built. Most are on trailer frames to be moveable. Some are permanent structures on a foundation. HGTV or DIY are also getting into the act on Tiny Houses. I could see one as a vacation home on a lake or in the mountains. Beach front property is so expensive in most places the land costs would dictate that you build something larger and more marketable.
There are two types of Tiny Houses. One is built to be put somewhere in the same manner as storage sheds you can buy, or even have them built on regular footings.

Then there are the very tiny ones that are on mobile platform. uses reclaimed materials to build very artistic ones that are moved as one would a storage shed.
TinyTumbleweedHomes build on the wheels based, for movement often as wished.

Many are taking storage sheds and turning them into homes. Wiring, insulation, added windows, etc.

(a friend of mine has been talking to me about these)
Well if it’s not a fixed in place structure I bet you can circumvent a lot of things like building codes and permits and paying taxes. Sure it might take a one ton truck to move one but if you never move it who cares. I know a lot of people that retire to a motor home or a camper and keep a piece of land around here for the summer and drag it south for the winter. It’s cheap living if you call that living.

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