porcelin tile help

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Mar 20, 2016
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my husband and i built a house 5 years ago. about 6 months ago a couple of tiles in our kitchen started making noises under them. I thought the concrete board under them was cracking. but just yesterday a whole row of about 5 tiles long and 3 wide just made large pops and tented up. the grout didn't even crack but when we walked on them it made them worse so we took the middle ones out to release the pressure. now we have 5 tiles missing for the middle of out floor and no idea of what to do. I guess the house just settled. right??? the rest of the tile seems fine, so far. we did everything by the book,It is on our upstairs floor over trusses on advantec flooring with concrete board over that, then the tile laid on that in the correct way. Now my question is how is the proper way to put it back down? I know our grout lines will be a little thinner in that area but i think that will be ok if that will work, but how do we do that.
:welcome: to House Repair Talk!

My concern is why is there movement that caused the tile to pop. Moisture, structure, over spanned? Fix the issue before you worry about the tile. Just my 2 cents.
:agree:. You can't just assume the house has settled and that it's all finished now. It may not be finished settling...or it may be some other reason. Welcome & good luck.