AC exposed to Fiberglass Insulation in Attic

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Aug 19, 2015
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Over the summer we had some AC issues so I tried to learn more about our AC system. We live in a 2 story home with two AC systems. One is in the basement and the other in the attic. The one in the attic is on most of the time, we can't get the temp below 78 on a hot day.

Last weekend it was time for me to swap out the air filters. I went to the attic and notice a lot of loose pink insulation on the floor. We had squirrels in the attic last year but we fixed that problem. Anyway I decided to vacuum some of that up with my shop vac. After an hour later I started to itch everywhere. I messed up! I didn’t know the loose pink insulation was FIBERGLASS. I didn’t have any protection on, just t-shirt and shorts. I spent an hour in the attic breathing in the nasty stuff. Anyway my wife was pretty upset with me for not doing the research first. Plus I was vacuuming the nasty stuff with attic door wide open. The attic door is near our bedroom! I used our indoor vacuum and did a couple passes in case the fiberglass dust settled in our bedroom. Wife and kid seems to be fine. They are not itching like me.

Here is my problem.
I am worried the AC unit can expose us to the fiberglass insulation particles. We have been finding dead roaches under the ceiling air vents so I don’t think our AC system is completely closed. Also I found our AC unit does have some leaks and I'm concerned the leaks will stir up the fiberglass dust and somehow enter our central air system. Am I crazy to worry about this? So far we have been living in our home for 2 years and have not had any breathing issues. Does it make sense to remove the fiberglass insulation and go with another alternative? Should I get a AC company to check for air leaks in our AC system?

Thanks for reading

Worried and very itchy home owner.
Welcome to the site. It is glass so the itching is caused by tiny cuts when in contact with the fibres. Ant leaks in the system should be sealed up and you should dress for the job and wear mask if you are going to disturb it.
I would not loose any sleep over what you have done.