Sealing Service Door Threshold on Concrete Apron

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Jan 28, 2014
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I poured a new concrete apron for the garage a month ago. When it rains, I now get a little water running under/through the service door threshold onto the garage floor inside. This didn’t happen before because the previous gravel grade was a good 2 inches under the bottom of the threshold. I want to seal the threshold and the concrete seal immediately in front of the threshold to stop the water from seeping in under and/or through it. I was told not to use the expansion joint caulk filler that I used on all the other expansion joints. Do they make a specific product for this application or should I just use regular silicon? I’d like something that will work and will last. Thanks for any feedback!

The new concrete should have been a little lower than the floor in the garage, This will be just the start of the problems, like brick mold and jam rotting. Your best bet if posible would be to pull ther door frame and build up under the threshold and re-install the door. Usually the framing over the door can be adjusted 1 1/2 inches pretty easily.
You know we are painting our off road undercarriages with this stuff too. It's gettin tough around here with the crap they put down on the roads in the winter...

I also used it on a basement bathroom job in the shower once... still stuck.;)

How long have you been stuck in that bathroom? You should have asked for help, wuzzat would have poped over.
its certainly not the prettiest stuff but its a BEAR for wear & durability :trophy:
Thanks for the information guys. I don't know if I ever heard of brick mold. The photo doesn't show it very well, but the concrete is about 1/2 to 1" lower than the threshold. I'll check out that herculiner stuff.
The brick mold is the trim on the door frame, sorry it looked like is was in the concrete.
You could caulk around the threshold with caulk for concrete.
i could give you other materials but they'll be more expensive & are packaged in larger units so i didn't bother,,, @ least, when you have some of that stuff left over, you'll know where to put it :beer: lay a piece of blue or masking tape down for a straight edge