Hypothetical Question: Silence of the Noisy Neighbor

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Well-Known Member
Sep 1, 2014
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Ok so this is mostly hypothetical, as obviously anyone that knows my story...knows this isn't something that's going to happen any time soon, if at all.

But this is second night, and despite breaking down and calling police first night....my new neighbor is a party person. Her driveway is about 10 feet from the back of my house and that's where she chooses to party. I can hear EVERYTHING, but trust me when I say they make no attempt to be quiet. Last night they were flashing bright lights in my windows and screaming, yelling, revving cars and list goes on. Tonight, about the same and though it is 5am....they are still out there and I can't sleep.

So excuse the length of this, I know I'm rambling but I am SO tired. Is there a way to sound proof this wall so I can not hear them? I have no where else in the house to sleep....I can not stand ear plugs in my ears, as suggested by others. I am even on medication to HELP me sleep and I can not....

I honestly have no clue how I am going to survive this neighbor from he**. But I'm hoping there's an answer, whether some little magic trick now or at least something to look forward to in the future. :help:
Ok so this is mostly hypothetical, as obviously anyone that knows my story...knows this isn't something that's going to happen any time soon, if at all.

But this is second night, and despite breaking down and calling police first night....my new neighbor is a party person. Her driveway is about 10 feet from the back of my house and that's where she chooses to party. I can hear EVERYTHING, but trust me when I say they make no attempt to be quiet. Last night they were flashing bright lights in my windows and screaming, yelling, revving cars and list goes on. Tonight, about the same and though it is 5am....they are still out there and I can't sleep.

So excuse the length of this, I know I'm rambling but I am SO tired. Is there a way to sound proof this wall so I can not hear them? I have no where else in the house to sleep....I can not stand ear plugs in my ears, as suggested by others. I am even on medication to HELP me sleep and I can not....

I honestly have no clue how I am going to survive this neighbor from he**. But I'm hoping there's an answer, whether some little magic trick now or at least something to look forward to in the future. :help:

Go get some skunk scent if you can handle it, or get a mask,...and just set it off outside...quickest shutter upper there is.
Oh Im a good neighbor...just dont "F" with me...:D
There are probably noise ordnance's in your community, check with other neighbors and see if they are being bothered by the noisy newcomers. Call the local P.O and keep reporting them. Or I'm sure Inspector will let you borrow his pet skunk for a bit.
LOL the skunk itea is a riot. Where do you get that stuff? Most likely though, they would make more noise "ew pu ew ew" and then wait for the smell to go away. Usually how we do it around here, skunk toots aren't uncommon.

There is a noise ordnance, which they were very clearly breaking first night. Now I'm not so sure they are breaking it, so much as just being a little too loud and not realizing how much it carries into my house. Some times they get a little carried away and revert to yelling, but I tried to pay attention last night and most of it probably wouldn't be considered breaking the law. It's just they are RIGHT on me and it's like putting a pan over your head and having someone wack it with a metal spoon.

I don't know what to do, because I don't think this is going to stop. I do think having pit fires is illegal [which is what they sit around as they drink and gab], but that would probably only shut them down for a night before manipulating the system like most do with them.

Thanks for the suggestions, think I'm just going to have to learn to be a night person and sleep during the day again. :rolleyes:
Have you talked to her and explained your problem?
Best guess is you will get no rest by talking to them .... even though that would be the civilized approach.

When it doesn't work, you can ask the cops for help to get an initial police report. On your second cop call, they will get tougher.
Then, armed with two police reports, you can go to the city to obtain a Temporary Restraining Order (TRO) against their behavior. Cheap, easy to file.
If they act up again, you call the cops for the third time and explain you have a TRO .... on that basis, the cops can arrest them.

Now, THAT should put an end to it.

No, last time I politely talked to a neighbor [for parking in my yard], I got things thrown at my house and garbage tossed in my yard for the next 5+ years until they moved. Though we can say I won't know until I go talk to her....I can say there is much less chance of retaliation if I just don't point an arrow at my head.

It's a thought oldog, lol but pretty sure i couldn't keep up. :beer:
Thanks villa, I will keep that in mind and afraid that will probably be my course if it keeps going like it is. I hope it doesn't, but as I was saying [before I saw your reply]...the civil approach didn't go so hot last time.
A stockade fence (privacy fence) along that property line would deflect some of the noise and make that spot less inviting.
Oldog's idea isn't all that off-base. You just have to socialize long enough for them to realize you're a human being, and then when you are ready to pack it in, just a suggestion that they quiet down may be enough.
Seriously, you should think of moving. These folks will probably move on, or get thrown in jail, or something, but then you get a new bunch.
Seriously, you should think of moving. These folks will probably move on, or get thrown in jail, or something, but then you get a new bunch.

I can't. But yeah, I've lived here over 10 years now and I've gone through 5 sets of neighbors now. But besides this one and the first one, most have been decent for the 'most part.' It's just the dang placement of the houses and the type of house [old, cheap....so lures less than desirable people some times]...they are right on top of each other and were some of the first in this town. If not for this ONE house though, I'd have great spacing from the other neighbors.

I was just hoping there was a way to sound proof that wall when we got to residing/insulating it....that way I don't have to be the grumpy mean neighbor and I can get sleep and feel happy too. :p

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