10 Tips for Organizing Your Child's Closet

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Feb 2, 2010
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Since it seems that this community appreciates some nice lists and tips, I may just have to keep them coming. I hope this helps!

1. Replace all that wire shelving with a cost-effective, solid shelving and panel system. Items such as mementos and collectible figurines will be less likely to fall through the shelving as well as minimize little fingers getting caught in the spaces.

2. Take everything out of the closet and sort it, establishing what stays and what goes. What toys or books has your child outgrown that can't be passed down to a younger sibling? Don't forgot to donate items to your local Goodwill Industries.

3. Use the highest shelf to store out-of-season clothes. Store in labeled containers by season (fall/winter, spring/summer) or by size (3T, for example). Hang out-of-season dresses on the far left and right parts of the closet. These are known as the 'return' walls and typically the hardest to access in a wardrobe closet.

4. Place a cardboard box on an upper shelf for donations. As the child outgrows items, they can immediately be put in the donation box.

5. Pair matching outfits and store them on one hanger. You will find this saves a lot of time in the mornings. Plan the whole week in advance on Sunday night and rest easy!

6. Install a hamper basket at their height so they can learn the habit of putting their dirty clothes in the hamper at a young age. As they get older, the height of the basket can be adjusted. And with the pull out canvas liner, you can even have them carry their dirty clothes to the laundry room.

7. Place a basket on the floor of the closet for storing stuffed animals.

8. For younger children, it may be easiest to add some shoe shelving under their hanging sections.

9. Drawer dividers are absolutely FANTASTIC for sorting items like socks and underwear for a young one. Imagine 7 dividers arranged like a calendar that you can label Sunday through Saturday. This will help your child to learn the days of the week as well.

10. Don't forgot to put a hook on each side of the return walls. Depending on the depth of the closet, if applicable, these are great nooks to hold coats or hats accessible to your child.

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