I'm also going to start "not" raising hogs

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Not raising Hogs...

From an article, “Spoilin’ The Broth”, by Bill Cook, in the Rockdale ( Texas ) Reporter dated February 11, 2016 on page 5A. A letter to the U.S. Secretary of Agriculture from one Jimmy Henry of Broken Arrow , OK


Dear sir:

My friends, Wayne and Janelle over at Wichita Falls , received a check the other day for $1,000 from the government for not raising hogs. So, I want to go into the not raising hogs business.

I need to know your opinion on what the best breed of hogs not to raise? I want to be sure that I approach this venture in keeping with all government guidelines. I would prefer not to raise Razorbacks, but if that is not a good breed to not raise, then I can just as easily not raise Yorkshire’s or Durocs.

As I see it, the hardest part of this program will be keeping an accurate inventory of how many hogs I am not raising. My friend Wayne is excited about the future of this business. He has been raising hogs for 20 years and the most he ever made was $422 in 1988, until this year when he got your check for $1000 for not raising hogs.

If I get $1,000 for not raising 50 hogs, will I get $2,000 for not raising 100? I plan to operate on a small scale at first, holding myself down to about 4,000 which will give me $80,000 income the first year. Then I can afford an airplane.

Another thing, these hogs I’m not raising will eat 100,000 bushels of corn. I understand that you also pay farmers for not raising corn and wheat. Will I qualify for payments for not raising wheat and corn not to feed the 4,000 hogs I am not going to raise?

I want to get started not feeding as soon as possible as this seems to be a good time a year to not to raise hogs and grain. I’m also considering the not-milking-cows business so please send me any information you might have on that.

I assume that the government will consider me to be unemployed from all this non-production, so I plan to file for unemployment and food stamps.

Jimmy Henry

Henry Farms

Broken Arrow, OK

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