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  1. P

    How can I repair these 106 year old floors?

    Our floors are gorgeous and we love them unfortunately they're pretty beat up in some areas (see above). How can we best restore these? We have a 4x4 section of unused boards in an attic closet we could possibly use. I've seen other people use rope to go in the gaps. What do you guys recommend?
  2. E

    I assume my roof is leaking somewhere...

    As the pictures spell it out, I have water staining on the cieling above the dining room. At first glance I'm not exactly sure how I am going to figure out where it is leaking without having to tear out the cieling... Not sure if anyone knows of any budget fixes for something like this. It is my...
  3. E

    Heaving Pier Foundation

    Hello All, I have a 2 story barn original to the home(1800s), at some point it looks like the original foundation was pulled and a concrete Pier Foundation was put in. As noted in the pictures they are in very rough shape. Most have heaved completley out of the ground with some being only 2'...