roof repair

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  1. P

    What I look for when installing a new roof?

    This is the first time ever that we are needing a roof replacement due to multiple leaks. I had a roofing contractor come out to see if the leaks can be patched but he suggested that we replace the roof as it would cost more to fix multiple leaks and also that the previous owners did a terrible...
  2. K

    Help me salvage my garage roof

    In a perfect world I would pay someone to demolish my garage and start from scratch, but trying to work with what I have is the only sensible option for me. The roof is bad leaks like crazy. The solution there will be replacing the metal/plastic corrugated sheeting that is currently...
  3. E

    I assume my roof is leaking somewhere...

    As the pictures spell it out, I have water staining on the cieling above the dining room. At first glance I'm not exactly sure how I am going to figure out where it is leaking without having to tear out the cieling... Not sure if anyone knows of any budget fixes for something like this. It is my...
  4. slownsteady

    Timberline roof shingle problem

    I noticed that one layer of one of my roof shingles slide out and fell. I guess this is considered delamination? I looked into it a little and it seems like it could be a nailing problem. So how do I fix it without trashing the shingle? I am able to slide it back into place. Just glue it back up?