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House Repair Talk

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  1. I

    Bullet proof doors?

    What kind of neighborhood do you live in, Priest? Jeez!
  2. I

    A/C unit awning

    Aluminum Foil= so tacky!
  3. I

    Ceiling Mounted Heaters

    Are you talking about in the middle of the ceiling or like in a corner of the wall up by the ceiling?
  4. I


    How often should A/C filters be replaced? Do you still have to replace them during the winter?
  5. I

    screw organization

    I use a tackle box for all my screws/nail/nuts and bolts/etc. Tackle Boxes range in all sizes. You can also find alot of cool plastic drawers in different sizes.
  6. I

    keeping out rodents

    Wait, scented dryer sheets keep mice away? Why? Never heard this method before. I know you can buy a box of stuff at Wal-Mart or wherever that you sprinkle around. Not sure how well it works though.
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    Nobody has a remedy for roaches?? The only tip I know is keep a clean place with as little clutter as possible. Bugs like to livein cluttered areas.
  8. I

    Business Garages

    Hair Dresser? Does she have it set up like a salon in there? Complete with the hair washing sink and blow dryer chair? Also, the other people that you mentioned, do they see clients?
  9. I

    help me make a mancave

    What's your definition of a mancave?
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    "Boom Boom Room"

    I saw a commercial for one of those home make-over shows and this guy wanted a "boom boom room". What does that mean?? Like a "Mancave?"
  11. I

    Door Problem

    So this isn't a garage door question, but it's a regular bedroom door question. Anyways, my daughter's crazy ex-boyfriend busted through her door one day during a knock down-drag out fight between the two. There is a huge hole in the wood where the latch goes. We tried a temporary fix with super...
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    Enclosing Garage Door

    What if I wanted to enclose the area where my steel garage door is? How would I go about doing that? Should I dry wall that area? NEED LOTS OF HELP!