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  1. M

    Antique door knobs

    someone restoring an older home might be interested in them.. they aren't glass are they? lotta people like those... is there an antique dealer in town? you might ask them... if you post on ebay already it could be worth the hassle.. craigslist is easier.. but not so large an...
  2. M

    Time for a new watch..suggestions?

    i like those timex indiglos for work.. they usually last me a year or so before the band gets so bad i have to get a new one. simple watch an not expensive at all. seiko makes a tough watch too though!
  3. M

    New neighbors

    i always thought you were supposta help pack the old one.. an offer to help unpack the new one.... go on an say hi at least! :)
  4. M


    so thats why no one returns my phone calls......
  5. M


    umm in 10 years... you'll probably want a bluray player cause you can't find anything on dvd anymore. however.. until you find one in a price you like.. maybe a used dvd player from a pawn shop/good will/garagesale would work for you? a bluray player would add to the versatility of...
  6. M

    N. Korea -- WTF?

    ironic that he's being a pain in a$$ just to get off that list huh?
  7. M

    Monolithic slab replacement

    oops.. anyways! i woulda expected to see some bar or wire in the new slab too. i would guess the main concern is tying the foundation together again. imho i would get an engineer to give you a plan... might cost a few bucks but it is cheaper then a new home. especially since the...
  8. M

    2009 Analog TV Signals

    maybe you could sell it to someone overseas? i dunno if it's worth the shipping costs though. or maaayyybee the government will send us all vouchers for the loss??
  9. M

    Another Dishwasher thread

    maybe the float is not "floating " enough? is there an arm that adjusts? could be that it slipped... just some thoughts.. i'm not any sort of expert
  10. M

    1935 Moore Gas stove

    not an expert on this.. but i think you should keep the cylinder a little farther away from the stove. bbq grills are vented and/or outside in the air. the storage place you have may not be suitable for the cylinder to be stored in and overheat it.