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House Repair Talk

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  1. J

    Refinishing Wooden Banister

    I am looking at refinishing both my wooden banister as well as the hardwood flooring on the main level. The are both identical colors (very light) right now and I want to go a little darker. There are also the same wooden runners going up along the stairs along the carpets. There is also a...
  2. J

    lawn care

    What is the best way to remove moss from my lawn, is it lime, or rake it out, aerate, overseed or a combination of all of these. My back yard doesnt get too much sun and i know this will always be a problem but what is the easiest fix. Also, we have dogs and is there a tip to reduce the damage...
  3. J

    PVC vent

    I opened up the closet wall on our top floor to extend the closet and I found a black 3" PVC pipe extending from floor to ceiling and through the attic into the roof line. I am assuming this is a vent, but I am not sure for what. I am thinking either the hot water heater or the basement suite...