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  1. A

    What hinges?

    I see there is different sizes of inset, it makes sense it could be 1/2", 5/8", or 3/4" right? I'll have to measure them tonight.. Only issue is I can't seem to find a store in my area with different sizes of inset hinges..
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    What hinges?

    Oh I know. I haven't spent much.. Paint, a bit of quarter round and now hinges. I don't mind spending a bit, and I don't plan on moving for a while.. Just don't want to be super embarrassed by where I live, I know my friends don't care but jeez the whole place is so ugly. The landlord is also a...
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    What hinges?

    Those are the hinges that are on it, sorry I thought I got an angle with that in it. They don't seem to fit right..
  4. A

    What hinges?

    I'm not sure what you mean. There are so many different types, I've never been so confused in my life.
  5. A

    What hinges?

    Okay, so I recently moved into a dumpy apartment. Cheap rent so meh. I absolutely cannot stand the kitchen cabinets, and I'm not going to pay for cabinets in a rental, and I highly doubt the landlord is going to replace cabinets because they're ugly. So this brings me here.. The last thing I...
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    New here

    Hello! I'm new here. I'm currently living in a dumpy apartment with the potential to be nice.. So I'm sure I will be here alot in the next few months asking lots of questions!