Aggressive Deer

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Well-Known Member
Oct 12, 2012
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Any suggestion on dealing with an aggressive deer? Please keep in mind I can't shoot it.

It's attacking my dogs. My little 5lb rat terrier was kicked pretty hard last night. The deer won't run away till I come out there, but of course if it wanted to it could destroy me, so I'm looking for options.

I was thinking the pepper spray they use to stop dogs?
Call your fish and game division and report it as a nuisance. Or stop by the local barbers and get some hair clippings and scatter them around the yard. Lowe's has some deer repellant you can also buy to ward off them pesky critters. Easier to shoot em. When you see a high concentration in a neighborhood it's usually from overpopulation. Starvation is a lot worse than selective harvesting.
A fence for white tails needs to be 8 ft high or built on a slant. They can jump and long distance but not both at the same time. It's not usually practical to build a fence, just another reason to be p-----d off when it dosn't stop them.
Texas is sounding better all the time:)
I have been told and I don't have any clue were to get it but they have these wierd color blocks you can stagger across the lawn and the deer will not move passed it because it will think that it will fall off the face of the eath. Do to the fact that deer vision is like a acid trip. Any one hear of this?
I have deer wandering through my back yard every day (within 1 hour after sunrise and a hour before sunset. Never had one look into my den/TV room or destroy any shrubs because there is enough food elsewhere. Neighboring community has a problem with them eating shrubs and they hire professional hunters to limit the herd at different times of the year.

I did see a deer get chased away by a raccoon with young around.

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I have been told and I don't have any clue were to get it but they have these wierd color blocks you can stagger across the lawn and the deer will not move passed it because it will think that it will fall off the face of the eath. Do to the fact that deer vision is like a acid trip. Any one hear of this?

Austin should try this, he seems to be good at proving things don't work:beer:
That I do!

My biggest issue is I like the deer, I just wan this one gone.

The dog runs out then runs right back in. It's scared to mess with deer anymore.
Maybe the dog is the aggressive one and not the deer.

Deer can adjust to people over time, but some dogs have some problems.

I've seen the videos of that so I don't want to try to chase it off and have it beat me up.
Hard to explain how you got beat up by Bambi to the kids.

I had a encounter once. There was a baby deer in my driveway so I was curious and went closer thinking it was lost?... if I tell you the sound that came out of the mothers mouth about 50ft away scared the snot out of me. She came out of no were. I slowly steped away and went back inside my house contemplating going back out with a wepon of some sort lol but I didn't.
I like deer, too. They are really tasty when cooked in a crock pot with some veggies! :D
We have frequent deer visitors daily in our location.

No problems with deer attacks. There are many goose and wild turkeys attacking (they hide just before the season because they become smart and can read the hunting regulations) that randomly get aggressive.

I haven't seen it, but to my understanding deer don't migrate to much, so it's still in the area. I'll just keep an eye out.