Residential Septic system - air compressor and diffuser bar replacement

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Feb 25, 2018
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I'm hoping someone can provide me some feedback on a residential septic system repair. I have a home that was built seven years ago. So, the house is not very old. I live in the Central Texas Hill Country area and I'm in the county outskirts of town where the neighborhood all has septic systems. I pay a company that comes out quarterly to do their routine inspections that are required by the state. At the beginning of August the septic alarm went off and the septic pump needed to be replaced that was a nominal amount. About $95 to replace with a new pump. Approximately a week and a half ago, the company came out for their quarterly routine inspection and everything was fine. They followed up with an email stating that there were no issues. This weekend the alarm started going off again. I muted it since it was over the weekend and called the septic company to come out and check what was causing the alarm to go off. The technician came by today and said that the air compressor was bad and needed to be replaced and suggested replacing the diffuser bar that goes into the tank. I asked if this was normal wear and tear and he indicated that air compressors go out about every 3 to 5 years and said that I would likely have to replace it again within another 7 years. I asked if this was basically built-in hard costs of owning a home with a septic system, in which he replied "yes". The cost of the air compressor and diffuser bar was $810. So, my understanding now is that I have a yearly quarterly inspection cost of approximately $275 and then an expectation of having to replace the air compressor and pump everything 3 to 5 years. I'm not a plumber and have limited knowledge about septic systems. My question is if this sounds correct? Or, am I getting smoked blown up my back side?
I’m not familiar with the type of septic system you have and I have been around septic systems my whole life.

I have never seen an air compressor used or have no idea what a diffuser bar is for or why it would be a replaceable item.

Right now the house I have has a tank and what they call a grinder pump and it is kind of a cross over between a septic and a sewer system and it does have an alarm. In my case the pump and grinder is required because our little area of homes was added to the towns sewer system and we were below the end of the line and required lift to get our waste high enough to then gravity flow to the waste treatment plant. We have an alarm and what is in our tank is a series of float switches that under normal circumstances turn the grinder pump on and off. There is also a float set higher than the on float switch that would turn an alarm on if the pump didn’t run.

If you could provide more detail on how your system works (specs) I’m sure someone here could advise you. Or perhaps someone here is familiar with what is required in Texas.
Amazon has air pumps and diffuser bars and probably the liquid pump as well for price comparison. You could easily replace the air pump (which is the most expensive part) yourself next time and save some bucks. I don't know how hard it might be to access and replace the diffuser bar.

My system is simple in comparison. Single chamber gravity system pumped once in 45+ years (no inspection required).
I have the same type of system, I find that the air compressor need to be rebuilt every 4 years , I did change the diffuser system last year, the new one did not make the air compressor work that hard and it was quieter.
I find your prices outrageous,
I pay about $110 per year for an inspection , only one per year.
to rebuild a compressor is about $100-175 depending on what has to be done .
to change the diffuser system was something like $250 .
here is my system and manufacture if that helps
Thanks for the feedback. I'm going to look around for a new septic company. I have felt that I've been getting shafted.

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