The "What did you do today thread"?

House Repair Talk

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Grandsons are out selling Boy Scout popcorn. One sold over $1000 last year. Wants to beat that this year.
Good work, Havasu. I'm glad the guy helped you.

Rusty, I hope they meet their quota on the popcorn sales.
Rusty, can you ship the popcorn?
Today a neighborhood guy who is going to help cut down some of the little trees that have sprung up in places we don't want them came over. He decided to bush-hog about 10 acres before something on his tractor broke. We discovered a broken waterline underground down at the workshop. When I went to shut the water off in the pump-house I discovered the line out of the cistern to the pump had a leak. So we gathered some miscellaneous fittings and fixed it. I hope it will hold. Then went and dug up the broken waterline-- stupid tree grew up inside the thing that held the shutoff and busted the line-- and capped it.

He's going to come back to bush hog more and cut down a bunch of the little trees. He refused to accept any money this time. I may have to slip some $ into his truck when he's not looking next time.
Went to my 4 y/o grandsons soccer game this morning, stopped at the grocery with swmbo, went to my 2 y/o grandsons birthday party this afternoon, watching the hockey game in a bit.... Going to the deerwoods tomorrow. I love weekends. :cool:
I spent 14 hours in the woods and only saw one deer and it wasn't legal.
Here is what I got when I ordered. i hope he gets credit!

Thank you for supporting walter d!

Ozark Trails $16.28
Pack 0117 - First Christian Church $16.28

Thanks Mark, he got credit.
Always glad to help out when possible.

I repaired the back screen after the daughter wasn't aware the screen was closed and she walked through it. Screen company wanted $125 to repair it and I did it with a roll of screen material costing $7.00
My FIL died a year ago today. We spent the day with my MIL and took her to the cemetery.
How is your MIL doing these days?

Remember, the greatness of a man is measured on how long we grieve and miss them. My dad has been gone for nearly 6 years and there isn't a day that I don't think about him.

I patched and painted some old stucco today, as well as installed a magnetic door stop, which is used to keep the garage door open. it failed miserably and now I have five holes I have to patch in a metal door and in my metal cabinets. I hate it when a thought bursts with failure.
My MIL is doing pretty good. She has sold off the boat and camper, which he wouldn't sell even though they never used them anymore. And is using the money to do stuff around the property. We do what we can for her, but living 70 miles away limits it some.
Working on my daughter's van today and needed an 8 or 10" magnetic screwdriver. Went to Sears, they just looked at me funny, Said they don't sell magnetized screwdrivers in any size. WTF? Are they no longer made? I know I could magnetize it myself but I was in a hurry.
Rainy, crappy weekend, dang I'm bored. All my hunting buddies are either working or at the race in Talladega...
I hiked miles today. Fell on my butt climbing down a mountain. Saw a shooter deer but didn't see its rack until I didn't have a shot. Looks as if I may not get a deer this year. My freezer will be sad.
I went to my annual family picnic. Once a year I see relatives I have no idea who they are, what their relationship is with me, but we do eat good.
Cleaned out my wood stove. Ordered a blower for it. Did an on-line test for my geography class.
Went to work. Have a meeting in a few minutes. Thats all so far. Have a new office lady starting tomorrow.