Trump's Contract with America

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SNS, I thought that was funny!

Zepper, it is about time you joined us in here. You seem like a great fit for us misfits!
Hmmm, I'm missing the above joke.

Wait a second, seems November 8th is our voting day, so now I get it!
The 9th is for voting for Hillary, look it up. It keep arguments away from polling places.
me personally, i'm tired of congress and the prez doing EVERYTHING to feathering their nests and letting us working class pick up the crumbs. yes, hes a businessman and yes, hes for himself, but i do believe that he is ALSO for this country and making it great again. for you older people (me too), remember when the rest of the world looked up to us?

as for hillary, did you read yesterday, on just how fowl mouthed she is? and she treats the military and security staff like they are her servants.

THAT is why i'm voting for trump.
The person we should all be looking at is Tim Kaine. So far he has been flying below the radar. He held a public rally a couple days ago in Fla and only 30 people showed up.

I personally believe and there is some evidence to back it up that Hillary is in very poor health and I doubt she will make it as president all that long into her first term before turning it over to Kaine. She will be able to push her agenda as long as she can and then step down being able to say she made it to the top.

No one is looking at Kaine and he is a heartbeat away, actually 9 out of 10 people don’t even know his name when asked.

Google (Hillary Clinton health) and see what you think for yourself. I know she and Bill say she is in perfect health and they would never tell a lie or cover anything up so it is most likely just rumors. :2cents:
Nobody seems to care that she is in poor health or anything else about her. The media wants everyone to know how horrible a person Trump is but refuses to even question hillary on anything.
Nobody seems to care that she is in poor health or anything else about her. The media wants everyone to know how horrible a person Trump is but refuses to even question hillary on anything.

I fully agree with you Chris. For what little my opinion is worth.
The playbook says control the media you control the people. It is all smoke and mirrors and I would even venture to say that the little counter media that exists is allowed to be there because it gives an outlet to people to feel they have a chance and a way to leak things out in advance to lessen the blow when it really has to come out.

People will always look past the truth when the counter narrative is carefully crafted and placed in front of them. The people of Germany didn’t just follow Hitler and support him, they loved him.

I hear a lot this time around people saying they are going to vote for the lesser of two evils. I don’t see it that way what we are really voting for is the lesser of two knows. People that are going to vote for Clinton have resolved themselves to believe what they have been told and somehow see her experience as a real thing not a set of staged events leading to her being elected in 2008. Someone got in the way of that plan and gave her the opportunity to post one more accomplishment to her resume for 2016 try. She has been in the political public eye a very long time and no matter what goes wrong all is forgiven. Look how fast Sanders flipped around. What would cause a guy to do that?

Trump has been in the public eye equally as long and no one cared about anything he did or said up till the point he won the nomination. Then all of a sudden he was evil.

The media made a big deal out of the fact he wouldn’t say once the election is over he would accept the results like Sanders did so well. To me what he didn’t say said more than what he could have said. It said to me he actually believes the things he is saying and believes them to be truths and right. A real person feels that way about their beliefs.
the press gives her a pass on all the negative issues,

Have you heard about this ? Obama's administration has been caught
putting muslims into key positions..

What about the reason they tried to hide Bengasi was they were running illegal guns to the terrorists, heard anything about that? What about the dead ambassador, she got a pass on that, besides, what difference does it make. Make no mistake, I'm NO trump supporter, but I am against Hillary!

Read it for yourselves...
I don’t need a million reasons to not vote for someone I only need one even though I have a million. I watched the ceremony live on TV when it was going on (the first video) the parents of the dead were there and for some reason she felt it wasn’t enough to just say how sorry she was for what happened and condolences to the family as it was within a couple weeks of the election. Her and her boss cooked up a story and told a lie to the parents of the dead. I knew I was being played the second I heard it. I even went on line and found the movie she was talking about and watched about 2 minutes of it. It bought them some time at the expense of the parents and without it Mitt Romney would likely be president today Trump would be doing his TV show and people would be saying Hillary who? But she said it and it was a bold face calculated lie with a purpose.

Looking back on it, it was the worst thing I have ever heard or seen done knowing all the facts that came out later. The second video shows how not even the best can pin them down as she can spin a yarn as fast as her lips can move.

I have listened to all the Trump tapes and I wouldn’t be proud of them if I was him. He got caught being a crude guy trying to impress some idiot reporter. I have to say it isn’t the first time I have heard such things. I hear similar every day in the break room at work or on the golf course or bar. What he did wasn’t to try and talk his way out of it though. He took his lumps and admitted he was stupid.

That’s the difference between the two IMO, and why I will vote for anyone but Clinton unless the choice actually did something worse.


texas and florida reporting unprecedented number of trump voters turning out
I just hope the millions of furious, quiet, gun loving and honest citizens come out of the woodwork and place a vote next to Trump. I am placing a vote to tell the government that I am tired of this politically correct, gotta take care of everyone (except for the Americans) bullshit.

sorry for cussing. I'm just done with this stuff
That’s kind of what I was saying. Each person won’t be voting based on every issue. All it takes is one thing seeing as they are so far apart on every issue. I watched a breakdown of the polls and if men only vote Trump wins by 40% if women only vote Clinton wins by 40% or something like that. If blacks only vote Clinton wins by 90%. Gun owners Trump wins by 90%.

I know people that will vote for Clinton only because they say it is time for a woman. People vote for the stupidest of reasons. It will boil down to will more people vote that want what they have now thinking it will last forever. Or do people really feel things are going in the wrong direction and realize it can’t go on forever. The counter side of it is some people think it is getting better and Trump is going to make it worse. The numbers and the facts say no but their personal feeling for whatever reason tells them yes.

I said after the last election we had hit the tipping point and most likely will never tip back. After this election I hope I’m wrong but will know for sure if we are tipped forever.
IMHO, a women who votes for Clinton only because she is a woman , and nothing else, is very narrow minded, just like a black man who voted for Obammie because of his skin color. This was the root of the problem 8 years ago, and will probably be our reason for another 8 horrible years. I really believe that unless we completely change the voting, will will continue down a road of no return.
Don't forget how successful Obamacare is and how it is already a mortgage payment and is also going up this year. Me and my family will be paying the fine and back to cash for the doctor like I used to do.
...but please don't forget Chris, that POS deadbeat who would rather smoke blunts and drink his Colt 45, while tending to his 15 kids from his 15 girlfriends rather than actually work, will now be able to get free medical help for his emphysema and his failing liver, all because of your generosity.
Not for lo, I will do like most other young healthy Americans and opt out. That is why the rates are going up anyway, because they need every young person to sign up for it to work but the costs are far too high for any young person to afford. A Failure from the start. Good Idea but a failure.