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Cut my fingers on the table saw. 4 stitches in one finger 9 in the other, shattered bones in both and I have to go to a hand specialist to see about tendon or ligament damage.
Cautionary tale. Don't get in a hurry when operating power tools. I'm 64 years old, used power tools all my adult life and have never had an accident like this, that is until today. All it takes is a nano second of carelessness. Yes, I admit I was in a hurry and did something stupid.
Ouch. I see this often. I spoke to a guy last week who was also in a hurry while cutting some wood on his table saw. His daughter asked him a question, he turned to her to answer, and in a split second, he lost 3 fingers.

In high school, my schoolmate lost a finger on a Friday using a table saw. The following Monday, nobody would use that saw. The teacher (Mr. Thornstrom) cut a piece of wood using the same saw, and while explaining to us that the saw was not dangerous, severed his thumb off. Man, that was 45 years ago, and still remember that day vividly!
yes, the ER people were very familiar with the table saw. The good news for mine is I cut down the fingers rather than across. At least I have something to salvage that way. You can bet I'll have more respect for the saw in the future.
Damn rough talk, especially now, when I am shopping for a new saw. Would you think the extra $400 for the auto stop saw is worth it?
I was looking at the auto stop saw myself. I have been looking for a good quality saw. Been leaning towards the Mikita for a bunch of reasons but it would be nice to keep my fingers
Damn rough talk, especially now, when I am shopping for a new saw. Would you think the extra $400 for the auto stop saw is worth it?

I was talking about that in the ER today. $400 seems pretty cheap to me.
Gary, I'm so sorry that happened. I hope you will recover quickly. Ouch.

And people in my woodworking class mocked me for being very cautious, focusing on the cuts, and going slowly-- I used push sticks for a lot of things and made sure that my fingers didn't get anywhere near the blades. I'm sure most of you know what kind of luck I have, so I don't chance it.

My woodworking teacher used to hold up his hand and hide some of his fingers on the first day of class when he was talking about safety.

Havasu, that bit about the wood shop and nobody wanting to use the saw reminded me of how nobody in my Home Ec class wanted to use the one sewing machine that had a permanent blood stain next to it from when a student sewed through her finger.

Today, I got some much needed sleep, made lunch for mom, and took my sister to the grocery store. I picked up a new toy for my brother's dog at the Dollar Tree and used it to distract him while we carried groceries in.

Tomorrow the plan is to bring some friends over to play Cards Against Humanity with my sister. She leaves on Friday so we need to get something fun in before she goes.
I was looking at the auto stop saw myself. I have been looking for a good quality saw. Been leaning towards the Mikita for a bunch of reasons but it would be nice to keep my fingers

I was looking online tonight and came across this. Anyone have experience with these? Did they work as advertised?

I was looking online tonight and came across this. Anyone have experience with these? Did they work as advertised?


To much set up time, just more junk for the shop. You will always find something that won't work and you are back to using your wits.

For what he was cutting a chunk of 4x4 could have been made into a jig in half the time, and back in the junk pile. No storage or figuring instructions.
Went to the doc this afternoon & then spent the evening with the grandkids, just got home.
Everything is looking good, I have feeling in both fingers and movement.
I have to go back in a week for further evaluation (give it more time for the swelling to go down). Then there's a pretty good chance I'll need surgery on one maybe both.The issue is the bones are split. I asked about going back to work as long as it's wrapped up & he said probably not for up to 2 months. Didn't want to hear that. Hopefully the news will be a little better when that time comes. Just have to wait & see.
I picked up my grandson so I could spend the afternoon playing with his new toys here. Unfortunately, my ex-wife dosed him with cough syrup because of a slight cold, so he came over here and slept the entire time.
I'm still on my way home from idaho. Left there at 5am. In california now about three hours from home.

Got my idaho driver license yesterday so I guess I am no longer a California resident. Registered a few of my vehicles for about 10% of what it costs in california. Only another ten trips to get my junk there.
I dropped a tractor wheel on my toe a few weeks ago. Pretty sure I broke my toe but never went to the doctor and just continued working limping around. It's been about three weeks and my toe still hurts like hell. Do you think it's even worth going to the doctor at this point? Nothing they can do now for a break except take my money and send me home.
Nothing to do for a broken toe, I've had a couple over the years. Suck it up and move on unless it's crooked or out of joint.
I broke my toe last spring. I had the same long term pain, i think by the nature of pain I may have re-broke it a time or 2 early on. Cracked like cracking a knuckle, followed by stabbing pain. I tore my hamstring on the other leg at the same time so the attention was on that, toe was secondary. Doctor sounded like it's one of those breaks that just has to heal on it's own, so I didn't bring it up again. Eventually the pain subsided and other than it's at a little different angle than the other one, it seems to be fine.
Seems all you old folks do is talk about your pain. I sure hope I never get old!:hide:
Seems all you old folks do is talk about your pain. I sure hope I never get old!:hide:

lol. That reminds me of some words of wisdom I heard recently.

If you think you're having a bad day, try missing a couple.
I just got off the phone with my sister, who is dealing with Stage 4 cancer. She was chuckling about everyone always talking about money, and how they wished they had more. She replied, "money is nothing, all I really want is a few extra days!" That kinda brings everything in perspective for me.