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I have no idea. The plumbingforums.com has a section on water heaters though. It's been a bit quiet over there as of late.

I unwrapped my ankles this morning because the wrap was staring to irritate my skin. Left ankle looks good, just a little tenderness in the joint and I have to be careful when walking on it. Bruising is so mild it doesn't show up in pictures. Right ankle has a nasty scrape on top that is more sore than the sprain although the sprain looks uglier.

I've since put some cause over it and put a copper wear ankle support on the right foot. My abdominal muscles are sore, probably from the way I twisted when I fell, and my back is a little tender, but I can still move freely-- I just feel it when I do. Took some Ibuprofen liquid gels to reduce inflammation.
Note to self, clean toes and toenails. LOL.
OUCH that looks painful. hope you heal fast. if I remember right you on well water you might get a whole house water filter.
It's not nearly as bad as when I busted my left ankle back in 2008. It took 2 years for me to be able to walk normally again and it still gives me some trouble to this day. I've got a permanent lump where the tendon pulled away. It didn't help that I had to be on my feet a lot more back then.

This time, I'm able to rest a little bit more since I don't have as busy of a schedule. I know they could be a lot worse, so I'm glad. I think having sturdy leg bones and thick ankles helped.

I'm not the one having the hot water problem this time, but I do need to get a whole house water filter.
I have no idea. The plumbingforums.com has a section on water heaters though. It's been a bit quiet over there as of late.
Yeah, I pretty much just come here now.

Guess I'll start a thread in the plumbing section...
Flyover, I hope you can find a solution to the problem.

Tuffy, I'd love to see your custom mailbox.

My ankles are on the mend. I was able to walk to the truck gingerly and I drove in to town to go to the pharmacy-- no pain while using the pedals, so that was good. I had to use a riding cart in the store since I have to take small careful steps.

Left one is healed enough that I can put most of the weight on it while standing. I made two batches of some 3-cheese tortollini (pre-made stuff from Samsclub that I had to cook). It was supposed to be enough to feed 8 people and it's almost gone because my brother found it. He actually vacuumed the floor and cleaned up the litterboxes in the front room yesterday and carried all of the groceries, so that helped.
The weather turned cool again so it's a decent temperature in the house again.
Sanded and painted the last window frame. the others get stained. bought a latch dead bolt combo had to chisel it in then all the boards behind it split so tomorrow i have to sawzall them all out and start over what took me all day would have taken any body else 4to5 hours due to my back.
At least you got something done, Tuffy. I'm not getting anything done lately-- and my mother wants me to take her to the store tomorrow. I think if I get a riding cart I'll be ok. But I completely understand. It takes me longer to do things now too.

Btw, any of the plumbers around? Someone at plumbingforums is trying to figure out how to tie in a washing machine to old plumbing in a house built in the 60s. No AAVs allowed in his jurisdiction. http://www.plumbingforums.com/forum/showthread.php?t=12766&page=2

I'm not sure what to tell him since I don't know. He cited some of the code from his area. I think he can make an auxiliary vent and have it tie in to the cast iron one somehow-- unless he has to just run an individual vent outside the house. He thinks the cast iron pipe is the vent stack, but I don't know if it carries sewage.
Finished the back door came out good if i do say so my self. hung up a curtain in the kitchen, never had one before. back didn't hut near as much today. go and see my therapist tomorrow.zannej i will post some pictures of the mail box once i get it painted been raining now the temps are dropping again.
Glad your back isn't hurting as much, tuffy. I'm hoping the weather will get better for you to paint the mailbox.

Left foot has mild bruising that is a greenish color (basically makes my foot look dirty)


I stubbed my 2nd toe years ago and the discoloration never went away so I have a purple spot on it.

I unwrapped the right foot to take pictures and then recovered it afterward. It's still looking ugly.


It looks worse than it feels, but both are still sore.

I admit I have a fascination with how bruises look as injuries start to heal.
Good thing it feels better than it looks.

I replaced the faucet & sink out in the shop last night. Years of cleaning shop stuff in a plastic sink made it look real bad. That and I had to pound on the top of the faucet to shut it off as the handle wouldn't work anymore. I figured it was just a matter of time before forced shut offs would result in a geyser. It took nearly 20 years of abuse, so I guess it was time for an update. This weekend I'll have to clean up the rest of the shop as the new sink and faucet makes the rest of the place look bad. :hide:
I was pushing the water life in the hot tub trying for better weather to change it. We got the better weather and I still put it off. Last nights weather said we might get up to 10 inches of snow tomorrow and it was 50f this morning so I got to work on it drained cleaned and filled in about an hour. Getting it down finally. First time took me 4 hours. Hot tub is 52f right now and the power meter is spinning should be 103f in the morning for a snowy soak.

Yesterday I put up a new projector in my theater. With the big $$$$ 4k’s coming out the 1080 are getting really attractive. Had my eye on this projector for over a year and the price dropped below 500 bucks I pulled the trigger on it. Amazing picture just like having a 110” flat screen if you have a light controlled area for it.

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My daughter and Son-In-law installed one of those in their basement. They walled off a corner with black curtains, installed interlocking padded flooring squares, made it look like a theater inside the walled off area. Set up a snack bar complete with popcorn popper and fridge for the kids. They have movie nights down there and have a lot of fun playing video games when they aren't watching movies.
My daughter and Son-In-law installed one of those in their basement. They walled off a corner with black curtains, installed interlocking padded flooring squares, made it look like a theater inside the walled off area. Set up a snack bar complete with popcorn popper and fridge for the kids. They have movie nights down there and have a lot of fun playing video games when they aren't watching movies.

Mine is a room off the living room. In my old house I did the basement cinema theme. The room was originally a den I thing back in 1880. I built a wall dividing the room and the old door now enters a small pantry. As it’s just off the kitchen. The larger half of the room I made a new arched entrance into with plush black curtains that make the room bat cave dark when wanted. We didn’t want to overstate the cinema theme but have a few small art signs with an old time movie feel. At my old house I had tiered seating and it held 12 people this time I went for a single row of 6 seats. Six is the magic number in this house we can seat 6 for dinner and we have a 6 seat hot tub. More than 6 and people have to take turns.

We have friends and they all seem to have the 60” 4k UHD HDR LCD and nice sound bar or small wife friendly surround sound. When they come over and get seated very immersive in front of a screen 4 times the area and hear my old school surrounds with two 12” subs driving home the explosions where you feel it in your chest. They mostly love the full on IMAX feel of it.

It’s a great hobby and the media now that’s out there to play on it is amazing. We watch all our TV OTA in HD and then Blu-Ray movies and so much internet content to describe and more every day.

The best part is the pause button and the lack of annoying people in movie theaters I always find myself sitting close to. Not to mention not costing 50 bucks for the two of us to go to a movie.

Now that I’m a welder LOL, I’m building a swing away holder for my laptop so I can sit in the theater and surf all the cool internet content and swing the laptop out of my way when not needed.
Gary, sounds like it was a good time to replace the sink and faucet. Shame the faucet went, but 20 years is a good long while.

Bud, that theater setup sounds awesome. They are now coming out with the 8k TVs, OLED (organic light emitting diode) and other fancy stuff, so the 4k TVs are starting to go down in price. Curved TVs made the price of the flat ones drop a little bit, and prices should continue to drop as they come up with new stuff.

The theater setups sound awesome. I'd love to see pictures.

The hot tub thing reminds me that we have an old hot tub sitting out in the yard with the wood rotting away. It's too big for me to move it. Wish we could find someone who wanted it and would haul it away for free.
Put base board in the kitchen now for the quarter round. went and paid personal and property taxes. got the van safety inspected.
Going to be a nice weather day, so this will be garage & shop clean up day.
It was cold as Hel here recently so I spent the night covered in cats. They really piled on and were huddled together.
I went to the doctor, explained what happened, and showed him photos of my feet. He actually recoiled when he saw how bad my right one looked in the photo. It doesn't look so ugly now. He checked out both feet-- just some swelling in the left one-- right one he said I tore a tendon and possibly fractured the bones but there were no protruding bones or anything, so an x-ray would be a pointless expense because the treatment wouldn't change. Antibiotic ointment on the scrape, wrap the ankle to hold that tendon in place, soak it on warm water with epson salt in the mornings and ice it at night, and do some flexing exercises.
I'm hoping it will heal quickly.
I'm about to go make dinner for Mom-- 5 cheese tortollini.
The torotollini was better this time and it didn't last very long. LOL.

Yesterday my brother got his truck back after having it fixed up. They cut him a deal on the labor and didn't charge him for the extra labor it took (the estimate was 17 hours but it took them 2 days). The owner of the repair shop is going to have surgery to get part of his intestines removed, they are training new employees, and the son of the owner (who is running the place) was overwhelmed. He forgot to charge for some of the parts he put in but we reminded him. Not that we wanted to pay more $, but it was only fair since he got the parts and did the labor. He said he'd give a discount on the next thing that needs to be fixed (it needs new strut mounts). He also told my brother how he could get a huge discount on parts by getting autozone to price match.

Took my unlucky friend with us. His washing machine hadn't been working so his mother got him a used one to replace it. They hauled off his old one and it turns out the water had been turned off outside so his old one might have been fine, but it was already gone. The replacement was in worse shape. Leaked like crazy and didn't work properly. So, I took him to Best Buy and he got a floor model that was guaranteed to work. Old one was top load and new one is a higher end LG front load that will be easier for his girlfriend to work with because she's short. But, he bad news is, his dryer died. Probably the heating element though. He's hoping to find a matching dryer to the washer he got someday though.

They wrapped that thing in a ton of bubble wrap and loaded it into my truck. I keep tie downs in the trunk just in case.
my brother in law was in a wreck a week ago and still in the hospital. he has a broken jaw,broken chin bone straight down the middle and 11 broken ribs. they had him in surgery for almost 12 hours . we went down to hospital with our daughter and her 3 boys. not a good idea they are just to young to understand the concept of being quiet or setting still so we went to the mall and it about killed me with my back problems! I'm still not over it my legs are so sore and my back hurts worse than I thought possible. my brother in law has a long road ahead of him but think he will make it.