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Damn Tuffy, that is one hell of an auto accident. I wish him well!
I watched it rain today after a trip to Bass Pro, looking at guns.
Been spending the last two days working on the wife's mini van did a complete tune up plus egr valve and struts and shocks. going today to look for tires.
Tuffy, I'm very sorry to hear about your brother-in-law. I hope he'll recover quickly and smoothly.
I don't know what an EGR valve is but I've heard of one before. My brother just had his front struts replaced on his truck. One of the struts was OEM and the strut looked OK but the spring was dead. The other looked like an aftermarket el cheapo one that was shot, although the spring looked ok. He replaced them with "performance" struts and now his truck is running very smoothly. I wonder how long before he should have his rear struts replaced...
Are the tires supposed to be aligned/balanced after strut replacement?
I added a 1" spacer to the top of my struts on my Toyota pick up, in order to level out the truck and not look so squatty on the front end, and in doing so, it was necessary for me to get a full 4 wheel alignment. It has nothing to do with the balancing of the tires, but he will need to go to an alignment shop. It will also ride nicer and smoother, and his tires will last alot longer when the alignment is set properly.
Thanks, Havasu. I let him know that. He said it's already running pretty smooth right now.
He's starting to frustrate me again because he hasn't been doing his chores or cleaning up after the cats in the front room again. He had two days off and both days instead of doing at least some cleaning, he left without a word and went in to town to hang out with friends or do whatever. He's currently house-sitting for our friend who had to go to his girlfriend's sister's wedding out of town. It's a very real chance that someone would break in while he's gone so, my brother is over there to make sure nobody gets any ideas.

I'm probably going to end up having to clean up after the cats in the front room just so I don't step in crap (literally) trying to go out the front door. I was going to head in to town today to go to the store and take my dog to the vets to get bloodwork so her thyroid meds could be renewed but it's been raining all day-- and my phonelines are acting up again even though they just fixed them. The phone rang once at like 6:47am and woke me up, but it's been silent since. When I picked up, it was all static and buzzing again. It must be something on the outside because everything was fine with the inside ones after they fixed it. I wonder if there is something wrong with the box itself, but I don't know much about phonelines and their boxes.
Been working on the new computer desk nothing fancy just something that will fit in the tiny space we have look good and is better than store bought. Ran out of nails for my nail gun went to home depo to get some ,got home remembered i forgot glue so put that project on the back burner for the day since i didn't feel like getting back out in the rain again . So i started to clean house.
Tuffy, I hope the desk turns out well. I hate when I go to the store and forget to buy something that I need for a project-- happens to me all the time.

I should probably clean up the front room since it's evident my brother won't do it-- only problem is the kittens think the broom is a toy-- and the little calico kitten Aminatu thinks I'm a tree.
No nothing that fancy just a regular ole desk with drawers on the bottom +shelves on the bottom also.If my back will stay with me I'll have it done in a week.
Sounds good. I hope your back holds out.

My brother is continuing to piss me off this week. Despite having numerous of his own snacks, he ate almost all of my granola bars. He made a huge mess in the microwave and didn't clean it up so I had to scrub the whole microwave *again* before I could use it. He hasn't cleaned the litterboxes or taken out the trash in weeks so stuff is starting to pile up and fall on the floor, he's been incredibly rude to me the last few days, and last night he woke me up in the middle of the effing night to show me a dog he brought home. It's clearly a well-groomed and well-cared-for pet that must have gotten loose. And rather than leave her so she could get back to her owner, he brought her home. She's an inside dog-- she slept on his bed peacefully and is very quiet and calm. Now, it wouldn't have been so bad if he kept her inside where it is safe and took her for walks outside where she could be supervised, but nooooo, he put her outside without watching her and she ran off. I heard yelping from afar and I think a neighbor's violent dogs might have gotten her, but I couldn't find the source of the yelping. So now someone has lost their beloved pet because my brother is a selfish irresponsible jerk.

Just venting because I'm frustrated and a bit cranky from lack of sleep.
Tuffy, I've tried that before numerous times. He won't listen. He tells me to shut the f*** up and will walk away and shut the door in my face.
The good news is, the yelping must have been a different dog. The water inside stopped working so I had to go out to the well-house to see what was wrong (one of the pumps wasn't getting signal to turn on and fill the cistern-- I jostled the float lever and it kicked on). The dog came out from under the house and started following me, but she was afraid of the cats. I picked her up, took her inside, set her on my brother's bed and gave her food, water, and puppy pads.
My brother left his door open when he left for work today and she just sits on the bed and stays. She's very well behaved. I'm relieved that she's ok, but still hoping to find her family. My brother will not maintain a good standard of care for her.
This thread has been quiet. Since the last post, my brother finally changed the litterboxes yesterday. My mother turned 68. And I did my best to take care of my oldest cat who passed away in my arms Sunday morning. Vet was closed so I couldn't call for any help & he was terrified of going on car rides. It was heartbreaking, but he's no longer suffering.

My unlucky friend was just telling me that he's having a problem with a neighbor. His property extends over at least 2 lots (with a street on the front and back). One of the streets is actually built on his property. A few months ago, someone bought a trailer park next to his property (on the back side). He made sure to let the guy know where the property line is & showed him the survey. Yesterday he found out that the jerk is planning to move trailers on to his (my friend's) property and rent them out. He's trying to get in touch with the jerk to let him know that it is not ok and he will not allow it. I've offered to help him set up some "private property" signs and mark off his property to prevent the guy from using it. He eventually wants to put up a fence and set up a playground area for his daughter in the area that the trailer park guy is trying to steal.
Sorry to here about your cat. Tell your friend to go to the police and show them the property lines they will have a talk with the guy that is theft. I had a problem like that three years ago had a new neighbor move in a single guy kinda scary looking just didn't fit into our family neighborhood turns out this guy is a major meth head trying to steel part of my property even tho it is clearly marked we went round and round with this idiot .his garage is actually on our property by 2 feet .he kept saying that our markers were wrong because the house was surveyed when he bought it (when momma bought it for him).so we paid to have it re surveyed and we were off we gained an extra 8 inches . so we went to show this survey to him and he told us to f***k off .so we went to the police with the survey and told them what had been going on they said they would send an officer down to have a talk with the guy he spat in there faces so they put him in jail .long story short we ended up having to go to court over this of course we won .so we put up a privacy fence we have 2 lots so he had to take his window air out so we could finish our finish our fence.
Wow, that doesn't sound like a pleasant experience, Tuffy. I'm glad you got it sorted out though.
I wish I could remember more of the details, but a friend of mine (who has since passed away) had a property dispute with the daughter of someone he purchased some property from for his hunting cabin (well, it was called a "hunting" cabin, but he mostly used it to have gatherings of friends and some fishing-- in the woods near the river). He had the bill of sale, deed, and even paid to have a land survey done to prove what part was his. The daughter kept claiming the land was hers (bc she inherited when her father died) and was trying to evict him & take over his camp for herself. It was called a "camp" but it had a house with full kitchen, bathroom, bedrooms, etc-- sort of like a cabin in the woods. He paid a lot for the survey & then the wench & her husband kept calling him and harassing him and demanding that he give them the survey paperwork to prove it was his land. He told them to pay for their own damn survey & to stop calling him. He got so upset over it he had a stroke (but survived). I don't know how things were settled but I know they eventually were.

As for my younger friend, the piece of property the trailer park guy is trying to take is very large. Like more than half of the property. About 200ft north to south and 100ft east to west. So about 20,000sqft of land.

Today I made my mother happy by locating one of her lost medicine boxes (the ones that are for day and night for a week). It had fallen behind her night stand. I also called the doctor to get them to call the pharmacy to approve of her prescription renewal. Since I've still been physically exhausted, I played around with google sketchup and updated my sketches for my laundry room and bathroom idea. I couldn't find upper cabinets that were the right size & look for the space, so I just marked on the screenshot where they will go. The tub/shower combo I wanted has been discontinued though. So, I'll have to find something else to put in. I'll post the pics in my thread about it.
Been a while. I was doing a good job kicking my mild internet addiction lately but the last few days have been on the bad side...so here I am.

The bathroom's done for now. Shelves mounted, trim painted...forgot to take pictures of the crown molding mirror frame as I was making it, as promised to Zannej, and for that I apologize. I will say, the tutorials you see on the internet for this kind of thing almost all do it in a way I thought was foolish, basically just cutting the frame pieces and gluing them directly onto the wall around the mirror. Looks OK in the pictures online but I know in person it's gotta look like crap, and it's permanent so you're stuck with it once it's up.

What I did was rout a rabbet on the inside back of the molding before cutting it, so when I cut the pieces and put the frame together the mirror fit inside, just like a picture frame you buy at the store. I used heavy duty double-sided tape to fasten the mirror to the frame so it was one unit, then I fasten that to the wall with the same heavy duty tape. It's on there securely but won't be too hard to pull off -- all in one piece -- if I want to redo the vanity later (which I do).

Also, I did it all with no power tools (except the router) in under 3 or 4 man-hours (including painting) without screwing it up, which is really good for me.

Next I'm gonna build a chain link fence so stray dogs don't run into my yard again.

What else...went to a gun show for the first time yesterday, that was cool. Exactly what I expected: calm, quiet, lots of interesting/beautiful stuff besides the guns. Wish I had a few spare hundred bucks to leave there!