Lost power. Still don't have it back. Had to go clear out fridge in 100 degree heat. Using phone to message now that my friend has Internet restored. Crashing on friends couch. Crowded here. Friend has a new baby that screams all night.
Animals are all fine. House is OK but kitchen floor is worse. Buckled up from freezer defrosting.
We were stranded for 3 days before I was able to get help from another friend to come cut the 4 trees that fell on the road.
Will post more later when I can use a keyboard.
Well, I figured out THAT bathroom smell. I'm done trusting wax rings, hopefully the replacement "Better than wax" by Fluidmaster works better. I had to put nailers in the left side, as that's a load bearing wall shared by the garage.
I found a leak under the kitchen sink. the pull out hose from faucet to faucet head was leaking. I tried to find part called moen they said i had to have my original receipt and it would take days. moen never used to be like this i would walking in and they would give me replacements parts no questions asked .i ended up changing complete faucet. I see that the new hose has been made smaller and of better quality. I have been hearing from other plumbers that moen has been going down hill