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Were it I, I would be concentrating on systemic glucose monitoring, the meaning of,"NO" and learning about carbohydrates.
The nurse in the ICU has been adamant with Mom about not drinking Mountain Dew. She doesn't seem to get that Mom only drinks it when she thinks she has very low blood sugar and she doesn't drink it frequently. But, she really needs to monitor her sugar. She needs a continuous monitor so she doesn't have to keep sticking her fingers. They stuck her fingers so much to test her since she got to the hospital that her fingertips are purple.

Went to visit her & they had taken her for the procedure 15min before we got there. Not too long of a wait before they brought her back in. They got the stent in and cleared a passage for her to pass urine without obstruction but the stone was too large to come out. They will have to try to break it up with a laser on Wednesday (that is when the laser specialist comes in) so it can be removed or pass. She's not thrilled about having to stay longer but her bp will not come down.

I think she misses playing on her laptop but she didn't ask us to bring it. We got her comfy and I gave her my sleeping cap to keep her head warm. She turned on the tv in the room and started watching football before we left. My brother had to go to work. Our visit tomorrow might be shorter since he works earlier and he won't be able to come with me on Monday as he works a morning shift.

We stopped to eat at a chinese buffet before heading home. We won't be doing that tomorrow.

I took a nap and then went to Walmart to get some stuff. It was so foggy I couldn't see my street sign or road and went past it. Had to back up and turn into it.
There is a slight learning curve in using a glucose monitor, I've been using 4 different devices, 4 too 6 times daily, since 1972 and have never had the symptom you described.
Nice. Glad you fixed it! Is there some sort of anti-corrosion fluid or gel? Dielectric grease or something in there?
Just potting glue.
Visited Mom yesterday and they had her in a chair-- a small recliner-- and she was able to get herself back to the bed without help. Visited again today and they had put in a stent to try to get a large kidney stone out. It was too big to come out so Wednesday the laser specialist is coming in to try to break it up. They moved it out of the way to allow urine flow. They said the kidney stone caused the UTI which caused the bp spike which led to the dka.
I’m glad they found the problem!
They got the stent in and cleared a passage for her to pass urine without obstruction but the stone was too large to come out. They will have to try to break it up with a laser on Wednesday (that is when the laser specialist comes in) so it can be removed or pass.

You should tell them that Apple Cider Vinegar and Olive Oil not only destroy Kidney Stones, but they also are great at lowering Blood Sugar...

If you want the Deer in the headlights look.
She isn't drinking DMD and we don't know what type of kidney stone she has.
Some people drink Mountain Dew and other citrus beverages their entire lives and never have kidney stones. Some people have kidney stones and don't partake in any of those drinks. Genetic predisposition plays a role also.
I was simply responding to your blanket statement, as a touted medical practitioner, without a supporting document, that falls into the same category as the refuted hypes of other products consumed.

However, there is
irritable evidence of something missed or advice not heeded in zannej's situations, evolution.
I deleted my responses (yes I know they can be read in the quotes). I just woke up from a nap.... and for whatever reason I have allowed you to give me a headache @Snoonyb

Also.... I wasn't speaking as a Medical Practitioner as I cannot do so. I am not a Nurse Practioner or a doctor or even a functional medicine Practitioner. I am just a nurse who assesses situations and does what the nice doctor orders.


I was speaking as an experienced friend. Had I been speaking as a Medical Practitioner, which again.... I'm not so I can't, I would have brought into the conversation all kinds of peer reviewed articles, and patient education formatted as such.

I was simply giving a starting point of what's happening and how to begin changing things if her mom is interested.
I was showing support to someone who has a loved one ill in the ICU. Maybe I do it weirdly.... I am weird.
Knowledge is power
I deleted my responses (yes I know they can be read in the quotes). I just woke up from a nap.... and for whatever reason I have allowed you to give me a headache @Snoonyb

Also.... I wasn't speaking as a Medical Practitioner as I cannot do so. I am not a Nurse Practioner or a doctor or even a functional medicine Practitioner. I am just a nurse who assesses situations and does what the nice doctor orders.


I was speaking as an experienced friend. Had I been speaking as a Medical Practitioner, which again.... I'm not so I can't, I would have brought into the conversation all kinds of peer reviewed articles, and patient education formatted as such.

I was simply giving a starting point of what's happening and how to begin changing things if her mom is interested.
I was showing support to someone who has a loved one ill in the ICU. Maybe I do it weirdly.... I am weird.
Knowledge is power
An interesting response, "a headache", akin to an insect bite, which you overcame.

Someone who practices, for compensation, in a field of endeavor, is, a practitioner, in that field, however you have chosen to interpret you, being credited as a "medical practitioner", as having been unduly elevated, beyond your practitioner capabilities.

So, because DMD contains components that aid in the prevention of kidney stones, could the sweetener in MD, and/or, how the patient metabolizes that sweetener, be suspect, as opposed to the blanket statement that MD may be linked to, causation of kidney stones?

Which you say there is documentation establishing that linkage, which you elected not to provide.

Remember, "knowledge is power".

But only when desseminated.
My mother doesn't drink sodas on a regular basis. She mostly drinks water. However, we both take Synthroid and that can increase the chances of kidney stones. I think she also sometimes puts Mio in her water and she occasionally drinks coffee. She really needs to exercise more. She barely walks anymore. Mostly stays in bed or sits in her computer chair. The doctor said something about rehab, so maybe they can find a way to get her to use her leg muscles so she'll get stronger.

She's all bruised up from IVs, blood tests, etc. She was feeling better when I visited today. My brother didn't get home until after 2am so he didn't go with me. I was able to stay until almost 3:30pm. She finally was able to keep something down. The nurse called shortly after I left to ask about her CPAP and asked me to bring it in tomorrow. I got her a change of clothes, some nicer socks than what she's wearing, a shawl to put over her shoulders (she complained about being cold, some tp, wet wipes, a toothbrush & toothpaste kit, etc. I'll bring that all tomorrow.

Mom called after I got home so she could say Hi to Fippy. He misses her.

I'm exhausted and about to try to get some sleep.
I am so glad that her spirits are up and she is feeling better and that you had a good visit.

I hope you are getting good rest when you can and I am sure those items from home will bring her comfort.
I took pictures of my moms cats while she was in the hospital, printed them off and took them to her in a sheet protector so she could look at them whenever she wanted. It was comforting to her. (I think I printed them off at Office Depot)
I drink waaaay too much tea, and tea is a risk factor for me.

Speaking of, I recently tried an EarL Grey tea with a hint of bergamot. It was really good. So, I bought some teabags to take to work. We are moving our office this week, (hopefully our little kitchenette will be ready) and doing part of our job virtually. Excited to see how this works out.
I drink waaaay too much tea, and tea is a risk factor for me.

Speaking of, I recently tried an EarL Grey tea with a hint of bergamot. It was really good. So, I bought some teabags to take to work.
I thought tea was good for you? I drink a lot of Un-Sweet ice tea. People around here look at me like I'm crazy because most Southerners love their sweet tea!
@Ron Van Yes, I was surprised myself to find it a risk factor. Kidney stones are fascinating to me as well as gout. One of my kids has problems with gout. His great toe is slightly misshapen from it and he isn't even 30 yet. One of my dogs has had a bladder stone, which was fascinating also, she had to have surgery to have it removed because it was almost the entirety of her bladder and she couldnt urinate well. 🤔 I'm weird... I know lol 😆.

I wish I had the desire to give up tea. I am a slow caffeine metabolizer and drink caffeine all day. It's difficult to make yourself behave, lol.

I stuffed all kinds of cardboard into my car so I could drop it off at the recycling places near my house before MD appt #1 this morning and they are ALL full.... so now my car is full of cardboard, and I have more cardboard at the house still. I can't remember what day the dumpsters are emptied.
Hopefully on one of my last couple of days off.
I put this together the other day. It gives some extra counter space and hopefully will help me decide if I want to move the fridge over to the other wall (I will have to move water line), or if I can just deal with using this when needed. I got the shelf to go with it, but haven't attached it yet. I'm trying to decide if I really need/want it.

I am also having trouble choosing flooring for the dining room, kitchen, laundry area.

Sometimes, I am extra ridiculous. This is sometimes 🤔🤣20231201_170120.jpg
I put this together the other day. It gives some extra counter space and hopefully will help me decide if I want to move the fridge over to the other wall (I will have to move water line), or if I can just deal with using this when needed. I got the shelf to go with it, but haven't attached it yet. I'm trying to decide if I really need/want it.

I am also having trouble choosing flooring for the dining room, kitchen, laundry area.

Sometimes, I am extra ridiculous. This is sometimes 🤔🤣View attachment 31971
It looks really sturdy. Your floor looks pretty flat. You could probably put LVP over it fairly easily.
@Ron Van I have thought about putting that down. As you can tell in the pic, I still have some luan that needs pulled up. I just can't decide. I also need to fix the sliding glass door install, it isn't installed correctly.

I got that at Sam's, it is very sturdy, it was quite expensive also. I just hope that my son remembers to NOT cut things on it without using a cutting board. I debated getting an island instead of this, but decided that this was the better option.

Electricity is all completed. I am happy about that. Still have some drywall to finish on the backporch, and need to rip some out in the kitchen and put some up in the kitchen. I have considered just hiring that out, so someone else would remove the soffit and small wall and then redrywall it all.
I DESPISE finding and hiring people to do this stuff.

Wasting time between MD appts today, next one is at 1. I will be so excited to not go to a Doctor of some sort every other week.
Need to get some things done at the house when I get back, however... idk what to work on currently. It really never ends does it? 🤔😆😬
So many industrious people. I've been working off and on, putting up my crystal Christmas tree. The lights change, or can stay either white or multi color.
It's just me here, so no one else is bothered that it is not a conventional tree. (I'll probably keep it up.)

Crystal tree.jpg