When sun light is orange

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Contractor retired
Nov 4, 2010
Reaction score
Chiliwack BC Canada
We can't complain to much here as we have no local forest fires but the interior area is having more than their share this year. We have had weeks of dry weather and non of the normal winds that clear our air so the smoke has drifted down to the coast. Normally we can sit on the deck and look out at views for 20 miles and the last few days that view is down to 1 or 2 miles.
Heard the other day our air is on par with Beijing:down:
We've had smoke in our air from fires in the NC mountains 150 miles away or near the coast 100 miles away.

Unfortunately, out in the western US and Canada dead trees and fallen branches can take a very long time to rot away, so when fires happen they have plenty of dried out fuel to feed really big fires. Small controlled burns are one solution, but they seem to be falling out of favor. Natural lightning caused fires could have helped but we've done such a great job at putting them out that the fuel continues to build up until you get a wild fire that ravages thousands of acres. Here on the damper east coast the fallen trees and limbs tend to rot out fairly quickly. We had a big ice storm in 2002 that took down thousands of trees, 5 years later the evidence had all rotted away, with the exception of mounds of dirt where the upended root balls were.
I saw a map once showing how a forest should look naturally where some areas are always re growing from naturally occurring fires. Then the map shows what our forest today look like do to not wanting to let nature do its thing and then when one does start the damage is much worse than natures plan. Forest fires are a good example where interfering with nature causes the reverse to happen to what you would expect.
We had one fellow that had been evacuated, he was so happy about returning home he was celebrating with fireworks.:trophy:
On the forest fire comment. The fungal infection that is decimating the native Dogwood trees in the Eastern US seems to be only affecting trees in areas that haven't been burned. The trees are doing OK in areas that have had a fire. So it seems the fires do some handy bio-clean-up in the forest.

A lot of the trees in a forest can survive a small fire that clears away the debris, but when it goes wild and becomes a crown fire the forest is lost and basically has to start over.