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Contractor retired
Nov 4, 2010
Reaction score
Chiliwack BC Canada
We all know she has been a rabble rousing trouble maker and it's about time she was banned.

I am sure this is a mistake and if not we need an explanation.:help:
She just posted this on a sister site this morning...

Wish I knew why houserepairtalk forum is wonky for me. When I deleted cookies and am not logged in, it worked fine, but once I login-- nothing but white space on both browsers. Not sure what is causing it and I don't have that problem on the other forums.
That was probably me that banned her. I was chasing down a VC spammer and didn't realize i had checked her post instead. I thought I had backed out in time, but maybe not.
LOL! Well, that explains why I couldn't view the site when I logged in. No banned message, just completely blank page! I even installed a new browser to see if it was something wrong with Firefox.

Once it was explained, I figured maybe when I reported a spammer that I got grouped in by mistake. LOL.

Thanks for taking care of it, Chris.

No worries, slownsteady. I've hit the wrong box on forums before as well. I've accidentally locked threads and done other weird stuff that I didn't even know I could do by hitting the wrong thing.
Oh look! A volunteer for banning arrived in this thread! (not me this time) There's also an Engrish post about architectonics or something over on the plumbing forum. It made absolutely no sense.
On a weird side note, since I have satellite, it does not assign static IPs to customers and the IPs are often re-used by different customers. Sometimes those other customers get themselves banned from sites and it is an IP ban. So, I'll go to a site and find that my IP is blocked. But I just release my IP and renew it to be able to go back. I got banned from a site once (for BS reasons-- long story) but was still able to visit it while not logged in bc it was an IP ban.
On a weird side note, since I have satellite, it does not assign static IPs to customers and the IPs are often re-used by different customers. Sometimes those other customers get themselves banned from sites and it is an IP ban. So, I'll go to a site and find that my IP is blocked. But I just release my IP and renew it to be able to go back. I got banned from a site once (for BS reasons-- long story) but was still able to visit it while not logged in bc it was an IP ban.

Static IPs are the exception, not the rule. Most ISPs use dynamic IP addresses as the pool of IPv4 addresses is very limited. Once the world converts completely to IPv6 we'll have enough IP addresses for everyone, everything for the foreseeable future.
So, in the continuing saga of the soap opera in this town: My friend (let's call him M) who was in the car accident and had his house burn down finally kicked the twunt girlfriend (let's call her T) to the curb. He gave her a few weeks to move out and take her son with her. She kept coming by his trailer every day saying "You're going to take me back!" and he told her "Not a chance in hell" every time. He's already found a new girlfriend (let's call her K). After he updated his FB status to show that he's with K, the twunt threatened to call DCFS to with false reports to try to get K's kids taken away.

M's daughter with T has been staying with M's grandparents and has been having respiratory problems ever since the fire. T's father wouldn't let her move in with him, so she is currently staying in some dump with black mold infestation. Because she could lose custody of her son if she had him stay there with her, he's staying with other family members. When she realized that M is not going to take her back and support her fat lazy useless ***, she decided to get vindictive. While he was at work, she went to the grandparents' house and threatened to call the cops if they didn't let her take the kid. She then took her to the place with black mold and texted M to tell him he will never see his daughter again.

For some odd reason, M's name isn't on his daughter's birth certificate. Now the only way he can get custody is to get a DNA test or for the twunt to try to get child support from him. The daughter is 4-years-old and T hasn't even attempted to potty train her. One time when she was mad at my friend (while he still had a cast and neck brace on) she refused to feed him AND the daughter - he was unable to prepare food for himself or his kid. So, she absolutely will do things that are bad for the daughter to get at him.

I'm just worried that she might hurt her. She favors her son and she beats the **** out of him and is verbally abusive when she's not neglecting him. She refers to the daughter as "the little demon child".

I just found out this morning that the kid was taken.

I know my friend will need to take action, anyone have suggestions? I don't think waiting would be prudent in this situation. Black mold could kill that child if T doesn't go Medea on the child herself.
only thing legally you can do, call dhs, let them get the kid out of the mold.

i know, that your bud M does not want to go this route.

but we are talking whats good for the kid right ?

then next week, when no one is looking real close
knock the wholly hell out of T