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Art Vandelay
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    • Art Vandelay
      Art Vandelay replied to the thread A Head Scratcher.
      I do have normal pressure at the two supply valves in the wall. I checked that back when this first started. So, I am fairly confident...
    • Art Vandelay
      Art Vandelay replied to the thread A Head Scratcher.
      Thanks for the help, Snoonyb!! I guess I will give it a shot. It will not be a huge expense, other than the cost of what it will do to...
    • Art Vandelay
      Art Vandelay replied to the thread A Head Scratcher.
      I am a bit confused on the terminology, but I think it is integral. The sprayer hose is connected to a hard copper "Y" that goes up into...
    • Art Vandelay
      Here's a weird one for ya. Lived in this place for 28 years, and much of it is still the same cheap junk used to build cheap houses. I...
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