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  1. C

    What did you do today?

    So let's see -- today I didn't do much. I'm having a thyroid condition, PLUS too much to do. I put a few things away put magazines in a pile, took laundry out of dryer, heated up a pork chop for hubby, heated delicious salmon I made for myself and now in my recliner.
  2. C

    What did you do today?

    That's so nice about your cats and dog snuggling next to you. Sweet. By the way, I got a very good laptop if you ever want to think about it from eBay, a refurbished Dell for less than $200. No trouble at all, except for the keyboard when I drop crumbs and sweep it out, jamming the keys.
  3. C

    What did you do today?

    Thanks. Nice talking to all of you. As far as your mother is concerned, I guess she's used to expressing her mind. ?? I know I've gotten in trouble for that -- not everybody takes to that too well. But since you know your mother (like I try to know my husband), I work on telling him what my...
  4. C

    What did you do today?

    Sometimes there is so much to do that it's disheartening to think about it. So NOW my big objection is: do I get rid of all the magazines I've been collecting and haven't read, or do I stack them up neatly again? OK, there are other problems, but that's what's in front of me right now. :-)
  5. C

    What did you do today?

    You did a lot today, zannei. I didn't do too much. At the end of the day I went to a religious meeting which I enjoyed. I opened up a can of soup <g> and had that for dinner, unfortunately I also ate a few (?) peanut butter cups also. I sliced up some tomatoes and put tomato sauce & mozzarella...
  6. C

    What did you do today?

    Hi, shan2. I hope you recover quickly from the surgery. I like cats especially, but my husband is allergic and so we can't have any. Last time we had a cat my husband constantly was having asthma attacks, so we can't have any cats. I'd like to have a cat, but then I may not even if could...
  7. C

    Going away for winter

    I'll check with the trailer home supply store in the area to make sure, also a couple of friends. Thank you.
  8. C

    Going away for winter

    Yeah, that sounds like too much work for me -- handicapped, my husband is handicapped, too. So antifreeze? That's an interesting solution, never heard of that. The water and drink lines I think are the same. I think. Tell me more about the antifreeze, please. I don't want to kill myself or...
  9. C

    What did you do today?

    Sorry about your friend. Thanks for response. First time I've been to that Chinese restaurant, now that you mention it, maybe I'll try again and see how she is. I, too, can say thank you in Mandarin and hello in Cantonese and Mandarin, but did not say anything then. Today--what did I do? OK, I...
  10. C

    Going away for winter

    What do I do about water pipes? We live in a trailer in a trailer park. We will be away for three winter months. How do I handle the water situation? Pipes are known to freeze, we haven't had that problem, but we've never been away for that long.
  11. C

    What did you do today?

    Glad to see this thread, since I've been so depressed lately. I went driving, it was a "nice day" here in southwest PA. I went into Morgantown, WV to a Goodwill there and got something for $1.99 I needed to put over my door. (Hooks to hang coats on.) I donated something to Goodwill also. I have...
  12. C

    Grit treads for winter if there is ice on ramp

    It's a thought. It looks a little precarious though. I think I'll just hunker down, hope nothing serious happens where I have to leave the trailer at that point. Thanks, though. Every thought helps. :-)
  13. C

    Grit treads for winter if there is ice on ramp

    Yes, I'm finding that out. Any suggestions as to what I should do other than hold on real tight to the handrails if there is ice on the ramp, or throw down some ice melting crystals or salt? I spoke to HomeDepot today about the paint with grit in it, and I'm not sure that's the way to go either...
  14. C

    Grit treads for winter if there is ice on ramp

    I am considering placing grit treads or tape on my wooden ramp to prevent slipping on ice during the winter. Has anybody ever used them, do they work? I have been told they may not stick well, so that makes me hesitant to put them down.