Concrete Flooring???

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Well-Known Member
Jun 12, 2017
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I'm hearing that some people when they build a house, they leave the concrete and do some sort of treatment that gives it a little coloring.

Anybody know where I can find out more about this?

I've heard of spray on coating like you can do for your garage, is that similar?

I'd like for it to not be slick cause we have dogs that stay in doors and if whatever we do is slick they won't like it so is there a way to make the coating for the concrete treatment to not be slick?
Many of those vendor products, are inherently, non-slick and investigating, by product, will offer results.
I guess it's like a crap shoot with some of these products.... unless they have a show room nearby where you can go look at what they offer.

Or, if they let you see their finished work at someone's home or office which I'd think the opportunities for are rare.
Actually, most vendors have, applied, sample boards, but you'll need to visit them.
I'd love to have stained concrete floors, but it usually has to be planned before pouring the concrete. Sometimes you can grind, stain and polish, but usually old floors have those unsightly tack strip divots from carpeting from the 80's and stress fractures, ruining a nice looking idea.
QUOTE - it usually has to be planned before pouring

OK, thanks. That's good to know cause I'm still in the planning stages and nothing has been built yet.
QUOTE - it usually has to be planned before pouring

OK, thanks. That's good to know cause I'm still in the planning stages and nothing has been built yet.
Ask your "poured-in-place" contractor for color samples, and also be aware that transit mix vendors may have a wash-out up-charge.
OK, so the entire slab is going to be colored like teenage girl's hair?

I'd probably opt out of that because they have spray on coatings these days that are very durable, nice looking, and some even put designs and stuff in the coating

With the advancement of micro technology there's no reason why we can't have durable long last coating for concrete.
Like this home boy here.... what he's doing looks pretty nice!

We did a "BUILD-A-BEAR" in NORTHRIGE CA., as part of an earthquake build-out at the NORTHRIGE FASHION MALL, in the 90's.
Is that a product provided by Build A Bear Concrete Coatings?
No, the name of a retailer vending to the imaginative of novelty, you stuff and puff, bears.

The product was from Sherwin Williams.
Are you trying to say Sherwin Williams makes concrete stain and coatings?
I can't really tell for sure due to all the bear references waving.gif
They did, as did all of the major paint vendors.
I might just go with cranberry juice...
I should be able to cover the tacky with spray on epoxy! 2thumbs-up.gif
It'd take a lot of epoxy to flatten that all out!
Many paint vendors have a 2 pair lab flooring application, applied with any airless system.