Bedroom 1, Bedroom 3 and Kitchen ALWAYS Hotter

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Jun 28, 2023
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My master bedroom 1, bedroom 3 and kitchen is consistently 3 degrees warmer than the rest of the house at any time of the year.

Last year I hired a professional to install blown in insulation to my attic and air sealed all windows and doors. I'd say my bedroom is covered by 90% of my attic space based on the design of my home. Additionally, my master bedroom sits over a crawl space which was also insulated with rigid foam board along the foundation walls and sprayed. No vapor barrier was added and nothing was done to underneath the master beedroom floor where the crawlspace is (this is for context). My crawlspace leads to my unfinished basement. FYI. The crawlspace covers the whole entire master bedroom.

In my master bedroom 1 I have a 78x84 high performance anderson sliding doors (covered by white vertical vinyl blinds) to my patio. Additionally we had a giant tree that gave us shade on that part of the house from 3pm and onwards. The tree was cut down by the neighbor and now we have consistent sun beaming on the master bedroom. Ever since that tree was removed there has been a change in temperature in that room. Particularly in the summer. The patio doors, big wall is facing the west so I do get all that day long sun.
My master bedroom 1 has only the high performance anderson patio door and one small window 2x2, otherwise, it is all wall. Two exterior walls to be precise. Thr wall with the patio door is about 30 feet and the other wall is about 15 feet (this wall has the small window). I would like to add that I had blown in insulation as well to both exterior walls.

When I bought the house it had two attic fans but one was disconnected (never replaced it) and the other attic fan which is above our bedroom works but makes a loud metallic noise (hence probably need to get this replaced).

Bedroom 3 I believe is built on a concrete slab and has a flat roof with a slight slope of maybe 10-15 degrees. Half of my kitchen has a flat roof.

Bedroom 3 has 3x5 single pane windows on both exterior walls and a exit door with double pane glass. Kitchen has a double paned 3x5 window.

Bedroom 3 has no door and just an opening that leads to kitchen and to basement.

Any insight to my unique problem? I simply want to have the master bedroom 1, bedroom 3 and kitchen the same consistent temperature. For what it is worth in the winter time my master bedroom is always 1-3 degrees warmer than the rest of the house too. However, this has always been the case (pre insulation).

FYI: Rest of house has no issues with temperature and the relative humidity for the house is always between 50-65% during the summer.

Summer Temperature (w/ AC set to 70)
BR1 - 72-74 degrees
BR2 - 70-71 degrees
BR3 - 73-74 degrees
Kitchen - 71-72 degrees
Dining Room - 70-71 degrees
Both bathrooms - 70 degrees
Living Room - 70 degrees

Winter Temperature (w/ heat set to 70)
BR1 - 71-73 degrees
BR2 - 69-70 degrees
BR3 - 66-68 degrees (on a cold night when heat off it can drop to 62-65)
Kitchen - 69-70 degrees
Dining Room - 69-70 degrees
Both bathrooms - 70 degrees
Living Room - 70 degrees

HVAC is in the attic. New 3.5 ton system with new ducts installed 3-4 years ago.

Gas furnace in basement. New furnace installed 3-4 years ago. Ductwork is old, but I am getting average to excellent heat from all my vents.

AC Thermostat is on the hallway outside of Bedroom 2. Heat thermostat is not locked to any wall so we move it around and usually we place in the dining room since it is the middle of the two temperature differences between the house.

I think only Bedroom 3 was an addition from over 30 years ago.

Providing visuals of home to visualize how it is positioned in relation to the direction of sun.


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Branch ducts normally have a damper at the main trunk line that can be adjusted to regulate flow into each of the branches. You might want to throttle the colder rooms back a little bit and make sure the hot rooms are wide open. There are also in-duct booster fans available that could help, but I'd try the dampers first.
The removal of the shading tree and the consistent sun exposure on your master bedroom's patio doors could be a significant factor in the temperature difference. The direct sunlight can cause heat gain, especially during the summer months. Consider using window coverings, such as blinds or curtains, to block out the sun's rays and reduce heat transfer.

While you mentioned that you have added blown-in insulation to the attic and walls, as well as air sealed windows and doors, it's worth assessing if there are any gaps or areas where insulation might be lacking. In particular, check for any gaps or insufficient insulation around the master bedroom, bedroom 3, and kitchen areas. Adding additional insulation in these areas, especially near the exposed walls and windows, could help reduce temperature variations.
I am going to do the blinds specifically with blackout sun curtains. As for the insulation I had the installers come in twice and everything is completely filled in. Additionally Bedroom 3 has a flat room as mentioned and part of the kitchen does too.