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^ has a nice fireplace, free to a good home. Will not ship.
^bilingual...speaks Woofie and English
^should be brewing beer instead of stealing the win in the Last Post Thread...
^ Is correct and knows I wish I had time but I keep way too many projects going on at any given time.
^ Flying to Boston just for the baked beans. Yep, he is extreme!
^Is meeting me out there for the smell.
Nope. I am setting up the Rancho Cucamonga fireworks show on Thursday and Friday. They say it is a promotion from our Kauai gig last year, but I think not!
You're probably right but again, I myself don't want to be there.
^Doesn't seem to be talking about previous poster.:D
^ Very observant.

^^ Two lashes with a wet noodle.
^Is unaware that I really dislike that Gaga freak.
^Is unaware that I know he is president of Lady Gaga fan club.:D
^ only knows because he is the head paying member of said club.
^ Is correct but with this head cold I have it feels like Monday.
^now understands why I don't like flying. Germs.....confined thanks.