So, doesn't the Buyer have the right to get copies of closing docs signed by both Buyer and Seller?
Especially the Settlement Statement that shows who was paid when the sale funded, signed by the signed by the Settlement Agent and dated?
In my case there was a lien holder getting a big chunk and the pre-sale Settlement Statement shows the guy's name and address... so I'm going to send a certified letter to him asking him to verify that the money that was paid to him was actually paid and if the lien is now satisfied.
It's like pulling teeth to get the title company to provide docs signed by myself and the Seller post sale.
They were all polite pre-sale... but now that funds have been sent to the title company, they are not very forth coming and transparent which to me is a red flag.
Seems like the Buyer should have the right to get copies of closing docs signed by both Buyer and Seller, right?
Especially the Settlement Statement that shows who was paid when the sale funded, signed by the signed by the Settlement Agent and dated?
In my case there was a lien holder getting a big chunk and the pre-sale Settlement Statement shows the guy's name and address... so I'm going to send a certified letter to him asking him to verify that the money that was paid to him was actually paid and if the lien is now satisfied.
It's like pulling teeth to get the title company to provide docs signed by myself and the Seller post sale.
They were all polite pre-sale... but now that funds have been sent to the title company, they are not very forth coming and transparent which to me is a red flag.
Seems like the Buyer should have the right to get copies of closing docs signed by both Buyer and Seller, right?